Create the GRADE data set. GRADE contains each student's last name, gender, status of either undergraduate (1) or graduate (2), expected year of graduation, class section (A or B), final exam score, and final grade for the course.

data grade;
   input Name $ 1-8 Gender $ 11 Status $13 Year $ 15-16 
         Section $ 18 Score 20-21 FinalGrade 23-24;
Abbott    F 2 97 A 90 87
Branford  M 1 98 A 92 97
Crandell  M 2 98 B 81 71
Dennison  M 1 97 A 85 72
Edgar     F 1 98 B 89 80
Faust     M 1 97 B 78 73
Greeley   F 2 97 A 82 91
Hart      F 1 98 B 84 80
Isley     M 2 97 A 88 86
Jasper    M 1 97 B 91 93