Create the SCORE data set. This data set contains test scores for students who took two tests and a final exam. The FORMAT statement assigns the Zw.d format to StudentNumber. This format pads right-justified output with 0s instead of blanks. The LENGTH statement specifies the number of bytes to use to store values of Student.

data score;
   length Student $ 9;
   input Student $ StudentNumber Section $
         Test1 Test2 Final @@;
   format studentnumber z4.;
Capalleti 0545 1 94 91 87  Dubose    1252 2 51 65 91
Engles    1167 1 95 97 97  Grant     1230 2 63 75 80
Krupski   2527 2 80 69 71  Lundsford 4860 1 92 40 86
McBane    0674 1 75 78 72  Mullen    6445 2 89 82 93
Nguyen    0886 1 79 76 80  Patel     9164 2 71 77 83
Si        4915 1 75 71 73  Tanaka    8534 2 87 73 76