In the traditional procedure output, each page of this report contains values for all variables in each observation. In the HTML output, this report is identical to the report that uses ROWS=PAGE.

Note that PROC PRINT automatically splits the variable names that are used as column headings at a change in capitalization if the entire name does not fit in the column. Compare, for example, the column headings for LastName (which fits in the column) and FirstName (which does not fit in the column).

                         Personnel Data                        1

    Id               First                                Job
  Number  LastName   Name         City     State  Gender  Code

   1919   Adams      Gerald    Stamford     CT      M     TA2 
   1653   Alexander  Susan     Bridgeport   CT      F     ME2 
   1400   Apple      Troy      New York     NY      M     ME1 
   1350   Arthur     Barbara   New York     NY      F     FA3 
   1401   Avery      Jerry     Paterson     NJ      M     TA3 
   1499   Barefoot   Joseph    Princeton    NJ      M     ME3 
   1101   Baucom     Walter    New York     NY      M     SCP 

  Number  Salary        Birth        Hired     HomePhone

   1919    34376    15SEP1970    07JUN2005    203/781-1255
   1653    35108    18OCT1982    12AUG1998    203/675-7715
   1400    29769    08NOV1985    19OCT2006    212/586-0808
   1350    32886    03SEP1963    01AUG2000    718/383-1549
   1401    38822    16DEC1968    20NOV1993    201/732-8787
   1499    43025    29APR1962    10JUN1995    201/812-5665
   1101    18723    09JUN1980    04OCT1998    212/586-8060
                         Personnel Data                        2

    Id               First                                Job
  Number  LastName   Name         City     State  Gender  Code

   1333   Blair      Justin    Stamford     CT      M     PT2 
   1402   Blalock    Ralph     New York     NY      M     TA2 
   1479   Bostic     Marie     New York     NY      F     TA3 
   1403   Bowden     Earl      Bridgeport   CT      M     ME1 
   1739   Boyce      Jonathan  New York     NY      M     PT1 

  Number  Salary        Birth        Hired     HomePhone

   1333    88606    02APR1979    13FEB2003    203/781-1777
   1402    32615    20JAN1971    05DEC1998    718/384-2849
   1479    38785    25DEC1966    08OCT2003    718/384-8816
   1403    28072    31JAN1979    24DEC1999    203/675-3434
   1739    66517    28DEC1982    30JAN2000    212/587-1247