The plot uses the first letter of the value of Seller as the plotting symbol.

                             Weekly Sales of Stoves                            1
                       Compared to Target Sales of $1500
                          K for Kreitz; L for LeGrange

   Month   Week     min                                                      max
                    100                                                     3000
January       1    |                        K---:                              |
January       1    |             L--------------:                              |
January       2    |  K-------------------------:                              |
January       2    |  L-------------------------:                              |
January       3    |                            :--------------K               |
January       3    |   L------------------------:                              |
January       4    |                            :-----K                        |
January       4    |   L------------------------:                              |
February      1    |                            :---------------------------K  |
February      1    |      L---------------------:                              |
February      2    |              K-------------:                              |
February      2    |                            :--------------L               |