The column headings in the listing are the variables' names. The plot uses the default plotting symbol, which is the first character of the plot variable's name.

                            Weekly Sales of Iceboxes                           1
                                    for the
                          First Six Weeks of the Year

Month    Week     Icebox     min                                             max
                             2520.04                                     3550.43
    1       1    3450.94    |                                             I    |
    1       1    2520.04    |I                                                 |
    1       2    3240.67    |                                   I              |
    1       2    2675.42    |        I                                         |
    1       3    3160.45    |                               I                  |
    1       3    2805.35    |              I                                   |
    1       4    3400.24    |                                           I      |
    1       4    2870.61    |                 I                                |
    2       1    3550.43    |                                                 I|
    2       1    2730.09    |          I                                       |
    2       2    3385.74    |                                          I       |
    2       2    2670.93    |       I                                          |