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The MEANS Procedure

TYPES Statement

Identifies which of the possible combinations of class variables to generate.
Requirement: CLASS statement
Main discussion: Output Data Set
Featured in:

Computing Descriptive Statistics with Class Variables

Using Multilabel Value Formats with Class Variables

Identifying the Top Three Extreme Values with the Output Statistics

TYPES request(s);

Required Arguments


specifies which of the [equation] combinations of class variables PROC MEANS uses to create the types, where [equation] is the number of class variables. A request is composed of one class variable name, several class variable names separated by asterisks, or ().

To request class variable combinations quickly, use a grouping syntax by placing parentheses around several variables and joining other variables or variable combinations. For example, the following statements illustrate grouping syntax:

Request Equivalent to
types A*(B C); types A*B A*C;
types (A B)*(C D); types A*C A*D B*C B*D;
types (A B C)*D; types A*D B*D C*D;

Interaction The CLASSDATA= option places constraints on the NWAY type. PROC MEANS generates all other types as if derived from the resulting NWAY type.
Tip: Use ( ) to request the overall total (_TYPE_=0).
Tip: If you do not need all types in the output data set, then use the TYPES statement to specify particular subtypes rather than applying a WHERE clause to the data set. Doing so saves time and computer memory.

Order of Analyses in the Output

The analyses are written to the output in order of increasing values of the _TYPE_ variable, which is calculated by PROC MEANS. The _TYPE_ variable has a unique value for each combination of class variables; the values are determined by how you specify the CLASS statement, not the TYPES statement. Therefore, if you specify

class A B C;
types (A B)*C;

then the B*C analysis (_TYPE_=3) is written first, followed by the A*C analysis (_TYPE_=5). However, if you specify

class B A C;
types (A B)*C;

then the A*C analysis comes first.

The _TYPE_ variable is calculated even if no output data set is requested. For more information about the _TYPE_ variable, see Output Data Set.

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