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Choosing the Right Procedure

Report-Writing Procedures

The following table lists report-writing procedures according to the type of report.

Report-Writing Procedures by Task
Report Type Procedure Description
Detail reports PRINT produces data listings quickly; can supply titles, footnotes, and column sums.

REPORT offers more control and customization than PROC PRINT; can produce both column and row sums; has DATA step computation abilities.

SQL combines Structured Query Language and SAS features such as formats; can manipulate data and create a SAS data set in the same step that creates the report; can produce column and row statistics; does not offer as much control over output as PROC PRINT and PROC REPORT.
Summary reports MEANS orSUMMARY computes descriptive statistics for numeric variables; can produce a printed report and create an output data set.

PRINT produces only one summary report: can sum the BY variables.

REPORT combines features of the PRINT, MEANS, and TABULATE procedures with features of the DATA step in a single report-writing tool that can produce a variety of reports; can also create an output data set.

SQL computes descriptive statistics for one or more SAS data sets or DBMS tables; can produce a printed report or create a SAS data set.

TABULATE produces descriptive statistics in a tabular format; can produce stub-and-banner reports (multidimensional tables with descriptive statistics); can also create an output data set.
Miscellaneous highly formatted reports

Calendars CALENDAR produces schedule and summary calendars; can schedule tasks around nonwork periods and holidays, weekly work schedules, and daily work shifts.

Multipanel reports (telephone book listings) REPORT produces multipanel reports.
Low-resolution graphical reports*

CHART produces bar charts, histograms, block charts, pie charts, and star charts that display frequencies and other statistics.

PLOT produces scatter diagrams that plot one variable against another.

TIMEPLOT produces plots of one or more variables over time intervals.
* These reports quickly produce a simple graphical picture of the data. To produce high-resolution graphical reports, use SAS/GRAPH software.

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