The labels Tennessee, South Carolina, Arkansas, Minnesota, and South Dakota have penalties. The default placement states do not provide enough possibilities for PROC PLOT to avoid penalties given the proximity of the points. Seven label characters are hidden.

                                      A Plot of Population Density and Crime Rates                                     1

                              Plot of Density*CrimeRate$State.  Symbol is value of State.

       Density |                                                                                                |
           500 +                                                                                                +
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                               M Maryland                                       |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                        D Delaware                                              |
               |                                                                                                |
               |                 P Pennsylvania    O Ohio                                                       |
           250 +                                                                                                +
               |                                                                                                |
               |                                              I Illinois                                        |
               |                                                                                       F Florida|
               |                                                                                                |
               |                              North Carolina                 C California                       |
               |                                TennNssee       Georgia                                         |
               |                    N New Hampshire  T     S South Garolina                                     |
               |    W West Virginia               A Alabama                                                     |
               |         Mississippi M  Vermont V    M Missouri         Washington W        T Texas             |
               |                          MinneAoArkMnsas             O Oklahoma                                |
               |        North Dakota          I Idaho                              O Oregon                     |
             0 +           S Nouth Dakota                                  N Nevada                             +
                2000         3000         4000         5000         6000         7000         8000         9000


NOTE: 7 label characters hidden.
                                      A Plot of Population Density and Crime Rates                                     2

                               List of Point Locations, Penalties, and Placement States
                               Vertical   Horizontal             Starting           Vertical   Horizontal
              Label                Axis         Axis   Penalty   Position   Lines      Shift        Shift

              Tennessee          111.60       4665.6         2   Center         1          1           -1
              South Carolina     103.40       5161.9         2   Right          1          0            2
              Arkansas            43.90       4245.2         6   Right          1          0            2
              Minnesota           51.20       4615.8         7   Left           1          0           -2
              South Dakota         9.10       2678.0        11   Right          1          0            2