Input Data

The following data sets contain the input data that are used in this example:

data cost_data;
   input veg1-veg2 oil1-oil3;
110  120  130  110  115
130  130  110   90  115
110  140  130  100   95
120  110  120  120  125
100  120  150  110  105
 90  100  140   80  135

data hardness_data;
   input oil $ hardness;
veg1 8.8
veg2 6.1
oil1 2.0
oil2 4.2
oil3 5.0

It is possible to store the other (scalar) parameters in an additional data set that contains one observation, with one data set variable per parameter. But the SAS macro language is used instead, with one macro variable per parameter.

%let revenue_per_ton = 150;
%let veg_ub = 200;
%let nonveg_ub = 250;
%let store_ub = 1000;
%let storage_cost_per_ton = 5;
%let hardness_lb = 3;
%let hardness_ub = 6;
%let init_storage = 500;