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SAS Namespace Types


Subclass of Feature



The supertype for Column, which is part of a relational table, and Measure, which is used with OLAP types.

Security Inheritance and Enforcement Rules

The following is a list of associations that are used to determine if this object should inherit access controls from another object (inheritance) or if the association is allowed for the object (enforcement). For more information about inheritance and enforcement rules, see the SAS 9.2 Intelligence Platform: Security Administration Guide.


Name Description Type Length
ColumnLength This attribute contains the length of the column. When this type is used to represent a physical column in a DBMS, the length is the DBMS length value. The SASColumnLength should be the same as this value, unless the length is too long and will be truncated by SAS software.   int  
ColumnName This attribute is the name of the column as it is defined in a DBMS. ColumnName will often be set to match the value for SASColumnName. This attribute is not used by SAS Data Integration Studio.   String 256  
ColumnType The type of the column as defined in the DBMS. int  
SASFormat This attribute contains the SAS format associated with this column.   String 32  
SASInformat This attribute contains the SAS informat associated with this column.   String 32  

Inherited Attributes
Name Id Desc MetadataCreated MetadataUpdated ChangeState  LockedBy  PublicType  UsageVersion 


Inherited Associations
AccessControls/Objects , Changes/Objects , CustomAssociations/OwningObject , Documents/Objects , Extensions/OwningObject , ExternalIdentities/OwningObject , Groups/Members , Implementors/ImplementedObjects , Keywords/Objects , LocalizedAttributes/AssociatedLocalizedObject , Notes/Objects , PrimaryPropertyGroup/AssociatedObject , Prompts/PromptEnabledObject , Properties/AssociatedObject , PropertySets/OwningObject , ReferencedObjects/AssociatedObjects , ResponsibleParties/Objects , SourceFeatureMaps/FeatureSources , SourceTransformations/TransformationSources , SpecSourceTransformations/SourceSpecifications , SpecTargetTransformations/TargetSpecifications , TargetFeatureMaps/FeatureTargets , TargetTransformations/TransformationTargets , Timestamps/Objects , Trees/Members , TSObjectNamespace/TSObjects , UsedByPrototypes/UsingPrototype , UsingPrototype/UsedByPrototypes , Variables/AssociatedObject 

Attribute Details

     Type:  int  

This attribute contains the length of the column. When this type is used to represent a physical column in a DBMS, the length is the DBMS length value. The SASColumnLength should be the same as this value, unless the length is too long and will be truncated by SAS software.

     Type:  String 256  

This attribute is the name of the column as it is defined in a DBMS. ColumnName will often be set to match the value for SASColumnName. This attribute is not used by SAS Data Integration Studio.

     Type:  int  

The type of the column as defined in the DBMS. This is an integer value that indicates the SQL type.

  • ARRAY = 2003
  • BIGINT = -5
  • BINARY = -2
  • BIT = -7
  • BLOB = 2004
  • CHAR = 1
  • CLOB = 2005
  • DATE = 91
  • DECIMAL = 3
  • DISTINCT = 2001
  • DOUBLE = 8
  • FLOAT = 6
  • INTEGER = 4
  • JAVA_OBJECT = 2000
  • NULL = 0
  • NUMERIC = 2
  • OTHER = 1111
  • REAL = 7
  • REF = 2006
  • SMALLINT = 5
  • STRUCT = 2002
  • TIME = 92
  • TIMESTAMP = 93
  • TINYINT = -6
  • VARBINARY = -3
  • VARCHAR = 12
  • SASFormat
         Type:  String 32  

    This attribute contains the SAS format associated with this column.

         Type:  String 32  

    This attribute contains the SAS informat associated with this column.

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