Understanding Item Stores, Template Stores, and Directories

A template store is an item store which stores items that were created by the TEMPLATE procedure. Items that SAS provides are in the item store Sashelp.Tmplmst. Compiled templates are stored physically in the Sasuser.Templat item store by default. However, you can store items that you create in any template store where you have Write access.
A template store can contain multiple levels known as directories. When you specify a template store in the ODS PATH statement, however, you specify a two-level name that includes a libref and the name of a template store in the SAS library that the libref references.
Templates Window Showing Item Stores, Template Stores, Directories, and Items
Templates Window Showing Item Stores, Template Stores, Directories, and Items
When using a locale that is different from the default locale or using a product that has templates stored outside of Sashelp.Tmplmst, the template store for the locale and product are automatically inserted into the ODS path when needed. Since these extra template stores are variants or extensions to Sashelp.Tmplmst, they are inserted just before Sashelp.Tmplmst in the current ODS path. For example, if the Japanese locale is selected, the default ODS path would be Sasuser.Templat(update) Sashelp.TMPL_JA(read) Sashelp.Tmplmst(read) rather than Sasuser.Templat(update) Sashelp.Tmplmst(read).
For products or procedures that uses a template store other than Sashelp.Tmplmst for their templates, a similar operation occurs. The name of the template store is based on the template path. For example, if SAS/STAT delivered a separate template store and the Stat.GLM.Anova output object is being rendered, the ODS path would be Sasuser.Templat(update) Sashelp.TMPLPROCGLM(read) Sashelp.Tmplstat(read) Sashelp.Tmplmst(read).
When using both a non-default locale and a product that uses a template store other than Sashelp.Tmplmst, the operations are combined. If we combined the above SAS/STAT example with the Japanese locale, the ODS path will be Sasuser.Templat(update) Sashelp.Tmplprocglm_en(read) Sashelp.Tmplprocglm(read) Sashelp.Tmplstat_en(read) Sashelp.Tmplstat(read) Sashelp.Tmplmst(read).
Since these extra template stores are inserted transiently as output objects are created, they will not show up when using the ODS PATH statement.