To view the customized CSV Tagsets.mycsv, submit the following code:
proc template; source tagsets.mycsv; run;
proc template; define tagset Tagsets.Mycsv / store = SASUSER.TEMPLAT; notes 'This is the My CSV template'; define event table; start: put NL; finish: put NL; end; define event put_value; put VALUE; end; define event put_value_cr; put VALUE NL; end; define event row; finish: put NL; end; define event header; start: put ',' /if ^cmp( COLSTART, '1'); put ''''; put VALUE; finish: put ''''; end; define event data; start: put ',' /if ^cmp( COLSTART, '1'); put ''''; put VALUE; finish: put ''''; end; define event colspanfill; put ','; end; define event rowspanfill; put ',' /if ^exists( VALUE); end; define event breakline; put NL; end; define event splitline; put NL; end; output_type = 'csv'; copyright = '(c)'; trademark = '(tm)'; registered_tm = '(r)'; stacked_columns = OFF; end; run; |