After you select the contents of your report, you can
create output for many different business applications. For your report,
you are going to create EPUB, PowerPoint, RTF, PDF, HTML, and Excel
output. With ODS, it is easy to create output that is formatted for
different business applications using ODS destination statements.
The ODS statement and the SAS program that it contains form the ODS
An ODS block has the
following form:
ODS output-destination
1 <options(s)>;
ODS output-destination
(n) <options(s)>
SAS program>
ODS destination
close statement 1;
ODS destination
close statement (n)
In the ODS block, output-destination is
the name of a valid ODS destination and option(s) are
options that are valid for that destination. Your SAS program is inserted
between the beginning ODS destination statement and the ODS CLOSE
Most ODS destination
statements require the FILE= or BODY= option, in which the name and
path of the file that you are generating is specified. It is a good
practice to specify one of these options, but it is not always required. By
default, if you have not closed and reopened the ODS HTML destination,
your output is stored in your temporary directory, unless you specify
a different directory with the PATH= option in the ODS HTML statement.
After you have opened and closed the ODS HTML destination, your output
is stored in your local directory, unless you specify a different
directory with the PATH= option.
After you run your program,
your HTML, PDF, and Excel output opens in the Results
Viewer. RTF output opens in Microsoft Word. PowerPoint
output opens in PowerPoint. The EPUB output must be opened with an
e-book reader.