%KVERIFY Autocall Macro

Returns the position of the first character unique to an expression.
Category: DBCS
Requirement: MAUTOSOURCE system option


%KVERIFY (source, excerpt)


is text or a text expression that you want to examine for characters that do not exist in excerpt.
is text or a text expression that defines the set of characters that %KVERIFY uses to examine source.


%KVERIFY returns the position of the first character in source that is not also present in excerpt. If all characters in source are present in excerpt, %KVERIFY returns 0.
Autocall macros are included in a SAS library. This library might not be installed at your site or might be a site-specific version. If you cannot access this macro or if you want to find out if the library is a site-specific version, see your on-site SAS support personnel.