Specifies the translation table to use when you are transcoding character data in a SAS file for the appropriate output file.
Valid in: ODS MARKUP statement and ODS RTF statement
Category: ODS: Third-Party Formatted


TRANTAB = (translation-table)

Optional Argument

specifies the translation table to use for the output file. The translation table is an encoding method that maps characters (letters, logograms, digits, punctuation, symbols, control characters, and so on) in the character set to numeric values. An example of a translation table is one that converts characters from EBCDIC to ASCII-ISO. The table-name can be any translation table that SAS provides, or any user-defined translation table. The value must be the name of a SAS catalog entry in either the SASUSER.PROFILE catalog or the SASHELP.HOST catalog.


Translation tables were introduced in SAS 6 to support the requirements of national languages. SAS 8.2 introduced the LOCALE= system option as an improvement on direct use of translation tables. SAS 9.1 supports the TRANTAB= option for backward compatibility. However, using the LOCALE= system option is preferred in later SAS releases.
Note: For SAS 9.3, using the TRANTAB = option in the ODS MARKUP is supported for backward compatibility. For specifying encoding, the LOCALE= system option is preferred.

See Also

ODS MARKUP Statement in SAS Output Delivery System: User's Guide
ODS RTF Statement in SAS Output Delivery System: User's Guide