Associate Documents with a Folder

About Associating Documents

You associate documents that are stored externally to SAS Model Manager and that are related to your modeling project by attaching them to a Documents folder or the Resources folder. For example, you might attach a project plan so that you can reference the plan while you are working within SAS Model Manager.
SAS Model Manager creates a Documents folder when you create a version. You can create a Documents folder for an organization folder or for a project folder. You cannot add a Documents folder to a project control group folder. Documents can be organized by adding user-defined document subfolders to a Documents folder. The Documents folder cannot be deleted. Subfolders can be copied to other Documents folders or deleted.
Here is the user-defined subfolder Planning that is located in the Documents folder:
The Planning Subfolder Created Under the Documents Folder
The lock on the Documents folder icon indicates that the folder cannot be deleted.
Documents that were attached to folders in previous releases of SAS Model Manager and migrated to the current version of SAS Model Manager are copied to the folders where they originally were attached.
You can edit only those file types that can be viewed in the SAS Model Manager text editor. Some of the file types are .txt, .sas, .log and .html. You can attach updated files of the same name to the same folder. To make changes to a document, make the changes to the file on your computer and then reattach the document in the Project Tree. Each time you reattach a document, SAS Model Manager creates a new version of the document. All historical files are saved.
The Show History window displays the versions of a document that have been attached to a folder in the Project Tree. The Create Date column in the Show History window is the date on which the document was attached to the folder. From the Show History window, you can open the document or save a version of a document.

Create a Documents Folder

To create a Documents folder for an organization folder or a project folder, right-click the folder and select Newthen selectDocuments Folder.

Create a User-Defined Documents Subfolder

To create a user-defined Documents subfolder:
  1. Right-click the Documents folder and select New Documents Subfolder.
  2. In the New Documents Subfolder window Name box, enter a folder name. The name cannot be Documents.
  3. (Optional) In the Description box, enter a folder description.
  4. Click OK.

Attach a Document to a Folder or a Subfolder

To attach a document to a Documents folder or to a Resources folder, follow these steps:
  1. Right-click the folder and select Attach File.
    Attach Document menu
    The Attach File window appears.
  2. In the Attach File window, select the document that you want to attach to the folder.
  3. The file format is preselected for you when you select a file. To change the file format, select Binary or XML or Text.
    Note: If the selected file format is Text, the file encoding field is enabled. You can select the system recognized encoding from the drop-down list.
  4. Click OK. SAS Model Manager attaches the document to the folder.
    Here is an example of a document that is attached to a subfolder:
    A Document Attached to a Folder

Show Document Versions and Open or Save Documents

To show all of a document's versions, open a document, or save a document follow these steps:
  1. Right-click the document and select Show History. The Show History window appears. The Show History window displays all of a document's versions.
    Show History Window
  2. To open one of the document versions, select the version and then click Open. If the application that created the document is installed on your computer, the document opens.
  3. To save a document version, select the version and click Save. Complete the location and filename information in the Save dialog box and click Save.