Working with Comments

About Comments

Use the Comments pane in the Workflows and Activities category views to share information about a workflow or activity with other users, or to make notes.
The Comments pane enables you to add new topics or reply to an existing topic that is associated with a workflow or an activity. You can also search, sort, or filter the comments.
You can add multiple comments to an activity or workflow. Each comment becomes its own topic, to which other users can reply. The original comment and its replies are a topic thread. Each entry in the topic thread includes the user ID of the person who created it, and the date and time when the comment or reply was last modified. Topic threads are separated by lines in the Comments pane.
The following table describes the items in the Comments pane. Before you add a comment, only the New Topic button is available.
Plan Comments Pane Items
Search box
Enables you to display all topics that contain a specific text string.
Topic thread
Displays a comment and its replies, if any.
Topic threads are separated by lines in the Comments pane.
Actions menu
Provides options for sorting and filtering the entries in a topic thread.
Reply button
Displays a topic window in which you can enter a response to a comment or add a comment to the History Log topic.
New Topic button
Displays the New Topic window in which you can create a new comment.

Adding Comments

To add comments to a workflow or an activity:
  1. Select the workflow or activity.
  2. In the Comments pane, enter a topic name and a comment.
    New Topic
  3. (Optional) Click Attach to add a file with the new topic. For more information, see Attach a File.
  4. Click Post. The new comment now appears in the Comments pane.
    Comments Pane

Respond to a Topic

To respond to a topic:
  1. In the Comments pane, expand the topic thread to which you want to respond.
  2. Enter a comment in the box.
  3. (Optional) Click Attach to add a file to the new topic. For more information, see Attach a File.
  4. Click Post. The response is added below the original comment.

Attach a File

When you add a comment or reply, you can include attachments. There are no restrictions on the types of files that you can attach, or on their size. However, including large attachments in a comment or reply can affect Workflow Console performance.
To add an attachment:
  1. Click the Attach button in the Comments pane.
    The Select file(s) to upload window appears.
  2. Using the Look in field, navigate to the location of the file.
  3. In the list, click the file that you want to attach. Its name appears in the File name box.
  4. Click Open.
    The filename appears below the comment box.
    Note: Before you post a comment or response, you can click Remove to the right of the attachment name to remove the attachment.
  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to attach more files.

Search for Comments and Replies

For a selected workflow or activity, use the search box at the top of the Comments pane to find all the comments and responses that contain a specific text string.
To initiate a search, enter the text that you want to find in the search box and press Enter. The application applies the search to all the topic threads and highlights the search text in yellow.
As shown in the following example, the search returns all of the topics that contain the string “workflow” and underlines the relevant area of text in the display:
Example of comment search
To clear the search and display all topics, click Clear search.