Creating a New Table Using SAS

Here are two examples of how to create a new table by submitting SAS code. The first example creates a table based on another existing table. The second example shows how to create a new empty table.
If you submit the example code below to SAS, make sure that the directory path that is specified in the LIBNAME statement exists. Before you submit the code in Example 1, you need to verify that the appdata.sas7bdat file exists in the specified LIBNAME directory. After the code from the examples is submitted to SAS, two new .sas7bdat files will be created on disk at the location c:\smmwork.
Create a New Table from an Existing Table
LIBNAME smmwork 'c:\smmwork';
	data smmwork.PROJECTIN;
	  set smmwork.appdata;
	  keep age numCards everDefault;
	  if _N_>1 then stop;
Create a New Empty Table
LIBNAME smmwork 'c:\smmwork';
 data smmwork.PROJECTOUT;
 length posterior 8 prediction $1;
 posterior=.; prediction='';