Unmatched text from
The current condition
code that SAS returns to your operating environment (the operating
environment condition code)
Last unrecognized command
from the command line of a macro window
Name of current graphics
Return code that reflects
an action taken on a damaged data set
Name of most recent
SAS data set in two fields
Return code set by the
FILENAME statement
Name of most recent
SAS data set in one field
Return code set by the
LOCK statement
Return code set by the
LIBNAME statement
Value of the LOGAPPLNAME
Message for display
in macro window
Value specified with
the SYSPARM= system option
Text of macro parameter
Various system-related
return codes
The number of bits of
an address
The character width
The character value
representing the date a SAS job or session began executing (two-digit
The character value
representing the date a SAS job or session began executing (four-digit
Day of week SAS job
or session began executing
Name of the SAS session
An indication of the
byte order of the current session
Foreground or background
Return code set by SAS
procedures and the DATA step
Text of the last error
message formatted for display on the SAS log
Host name of the operating
Number of macros that
have begun execution during this session
Name of current batch
job or user ID (varies by host environment)
Name of current executing
Current macro execution
The current number of
processors that SAS might use in computation
The number of observations
read from the last data set
The value of the ODS
ESCAPECHAR= from within the program
The value of the PATH
variable in the Output Delivery System (ODS)
The process ID of the
current SAS process
The process name of
the current SAS process
Name of current procedure
being processed
The abbreviation of
an operating system
The name of an operating
The number assigned
to your site
The length in bytes
of a long integer in the current session
The size in bytes of
a pointer
The length in bytes
of a Unicode character in the current session
The ID generated from
the last STARTSAS statement
The process name generated
from the last STARTSAS statement
Host names of the local
and remote operating environments when multiple TCP/IP stacks are
The character value
of the time a SAS job or session began executing
The user ID or login
of the current SAS process
Release or version number
of SAS software executing
Release number and maintenance
level of SAS software with a 2-digit year
Release number and maintenance
level of SAS software with a 4-digit year
Text of the last warning
message formatted for display on the SAS log