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SAS System Options

SAS System Options by Category

Categories and Descriptions of SAS System Options
Category SAS System Options Description
Communications: Email EMAILAUTHPROTOCOL= System Option
Specifies the authentication protocol for SMTP E-mail.

EMAILFROM System Option
When sending e-mail by using SMTP, specifies whether the e-mail option FROM is required in either the FILE or FILENAME statement.

EMAILHOST= System Option
Specifies one or more SMTP servers that support e-mail access.

EMAILID= System Option
Identifies an e-mail sender by specifying either a logon ID, an e-mail profile, or an e-mail address.

EMAILPORT System Option
Specifies the port that the SMTP server is attached to.

EMAILPW= System Option
Specifies an e-mail logon password.
Communications: Networking and encryption HTTPSERVERPORTMAX= System Option
Specifies the highest port number that can be used by the SAS HTTP server for remote browsing.

Specifies the lowest port number that can be used by the SAS HTTP server for remote browsing.
Environment control: Display AUTOSAVELOC= System Option
Specifies the location of the Program Editor autosave file.

CHARCODE System Option
Specifies whether specific keyboard combinations are substituted for special characters that are not on the keyboard.

DMSLOGSIZE= System Option
Specifies the maximum number of rows that the SAS Log window can display.

DMSOUTSIZE= System Option
Specifies the maximum number of rows that the SAS Output window can display.

Specifies the maximum number of characters in a Program Editor line.

FONTSLOC= System Option
Specifies the location of the fonts that are supplied by SAS; names the default font file location for registering fonts that use the FONTREG procedure.

FORMS= System Option
If forms are used for printing, specifies the default form to use.

SOLUTIONS System Option
Specifies whether the SOLUTIONS menu is included in SAS windows.

TOOLSMENU System Option
Specifies whether the Tools menu is included in SAS windows.

VIEWMENU System Option
Specifies whether the View menu is included in SAS windows.
Environment control: Error handling BYERR System Option
Specifies whether SAS produces errors when the SORT procedure attempts to process a _NULL_ data set.

CLEANUP System Option
For an out-of-resource condition, specifies whether to perform an automatic cleanup or a user-specified cleanup.

DMSSYNCHK System Option
In the SAS windowing environment, specifies whether to enable syntax check mode for DATA step and PROC step processing.

DSNFERR System Option
When a SAS data set cannot be found, specifies whether SAS issues an error message.

ERRORABEND System Option
Specifies whether SAS responds to errors by terminating.

Specifies whether SAS ends a program when an error occurs in BY-group processing.

ERRORCHECK= System Option
Specifies whether SAS enters syntax-check mode when errors are found in the LIBNAME, FILENAME, %INCLUDE, and LOCK statements.

ERRORS= System Option
Specifies the maximum number of observations for which SAS issues complete error messages.

FMTERR System Option
When a variable format cannot be found, specifies whether SAS generates an error or continues processing.

If a quoted string exceeds the maximum length allowed, specifies whether SAS writes a warning message to the SAS log.

STEPCHKPT System Option
Specifies whether checkpoint-restart data is to be recorded for a batch program.

Specifies the libref of the library where checkpoint-restart data is saved.

Specifies whether to execute a batch program by using checkpoint-restart data.

In non-interactive or batch SAS sessions, specifies whether to enable syntax check mode for multiple steps.

VNFERR System Option
Specifies whether SAS issues an error or warning when a BY variable exists in one data set but not another data set when processing the SET, MERGE, UPDATE, or MODIFY statements.
Environment control: Files APPEND= System Option
Appends a value to the existing value of the specified system option.

APPLETLOC= System Option
Specifies the location of Java applets.

FMTSEARCH= System Option
Specifies the order in which format catalogs are searched.

HELPENCMD System Option
Specifies whether SAS uses the English version or the translated version of the keyword list for the command-line Help.

INSERT= System Option
Inserts the specified value as the first value of the specified system option.

NEWS= System Option
Specifies an external file that contains messages to be written to the SAS log, immediately after the header.

PARM= System Option
Specifies a parameter string that is passed to an external program.

PARMCARDS= System Option
Specifies the file reference to open when SAS encounters the PARMCARDS statement in a procedure.

RSASUSER System Option
Specifies whether to open the SASUSER library for read access or read-write access.

SASHELP= System Option
Specifies the location of the SASHELP library.

SASUSER= System Option
Specifies the SAS library to use as the SASUSER library.

TRAINLOC= System Option
Specifies the URL for SAS online training courses.

USER= System Option
Specifies the default permanent SAS library.

UUIDCOUNT= System Option
Specifies the number of UUIDs to acquire from the UUID Generator Daemon.

Identifies the host and port or the LDAP URL that the UUID Generator Daemon runs on.

Specifies the type of message to write to the SAS log when Version 6 data sets are created or updated.

WORK= System Option
Specifies the WORK data library.

WORKINIT System Option
Specifies whether to initialize the WORK library at SAS invocation.

WORKTERM System Option
Specifies whether to erase the WORK files when SAS terminates.
Environment control: Help HELPBROWSER= System Option
Specifies the browser to use for SAS Help and ODS output.

HELPHOST System Option
Specifies the name of the computer where the remote browser is to send Help and ODS output.

HELPPORT= System Option
Specifies the port number for the remote browser client.
Environment control: Initialization and operation AUTHPROVIDERDOMAIN System Option
Associates a domain suffix with an authentication provider.

DMR System Option
Specifies whether to enable SAS to invoke a server session for use with a SAS/CONNECT client.

DMS System Option
Specifies whether to invoke the SAS windowing environment and display the Log, Editor, and Output windows.

DMSEXP System Option
Specifies whether to invoke the SAS windowing environment and display the Explorer, Editor, Log, Output, and Results windows.

EXPLORER System Option
Specifies whether to invoke the SAS windowing environment and display only the Explorer window.

INITCMD System Option
Specifies an application invocation command and optional SAS windowing environment or text editor commands that SAS executes before processing AUTOEXEC file during SAS invocation.

INITSTMT= System Option
Specifies a SAS statement to execute after any statements in the autoexec file and before any statements from the SYSIN= file.

Specifies whether the fonts available in a SAS application font selector window lists only the SAS fonts that are available in all operating environments.

Specifies the domain name of the primary authentication provider.

TERMINAL System Option
Specifies whether to associate a terminal with a SAS session.

TERMSTMT= System Option
Specifies the SAS statements to execute when SAS terminates.
Environment control: Language control DATESTYLE= System Option
Specifies the sequence of month, day, and year when ANYDTDTE, ANYDTDTM, or ANYDTTME informat data is ambiguous.

PAPERSIZE= System Option
Specifies the paper size to use for printing.
Files: External files LRECL= System Option
Specifies the default logical record length to use for reading and writing external files.

STARTLIB System Option
Specifies whether SAS assigns user-defined permanent librefs when SAS starts.
Files: SAS Files BUFNO= System Option
Specifies the number of buffers to be allocated for processing SAS data sets.

BUFSIZE= System Option
Specifies the permanent buffer page size for output SAS data sets.

CATCACHE= System Option
Specifies the number of SAS catalogs to keep open in cache memory.

CBUFNO= System Option
Specifies the number of extra page buffers to allocate for each open SAS catalog.

CMPLIB= System Option
Specifies one or more SAS data sets that contain compiler subroutines to include during program compilation.

COMPRESS= System Option
Specifies the type of compression of observations to use for output SAS data sets.

DATASTMTCHK= System Option
Specifies which SAS statement keywords are prohibited from being specified as a one-level DATA step name to protect against overwriting an input data set.

DKRICOND= System Option
Specifies the level of error detection to report when a variable is missing from an input data set during the processing of a DROP=, KEEP=, or RENAME= data set option.

DKROCOND= System Option
Specifies the level of error detection to report when a variable is missing for an output data set during the processing of a DROP=, KEEP=, or RENAME= data set option.

DLDMGACTION= System Option
Specifies the type of action to take when a SAS data set or a SAS catalog is detected as damaged.

ENGINE= System Option
Specifies the default access method for SAS libraries.

FILESYNC= System Option
Specifies when operating system buffers that contain contents of permanent SAS files are written to disk.

FIRSTOBS= System Option
Specifies the observation number or external file record that SAS processes first.

IBUFNO= System Option
Specifies an optional number of extra buffers to be allocated for navigating an index file.

IBUFSIZE= System Option
Specifies the buffer page size for an index file.

_LAST_= System Option
Specifies the most recently created data set.

MERGENOBY System Option
Specifies the type of message that is issued when MERGE processing occurs without an associated BY statement.

OBS= System Option
Specifies the observation that is used to determine the last observation to process, or specifies the last record to process.

REPLACE System Option
Specifies whether permanently stored SAS data sets can be replaced.

REUSE= System Option
Specifies whether SAS reuses space when observations are added to a compressed SAS data set.

Specifies whether the SQL procedure replaces references to the DATE, TIME, DATETIME, and TODAY functions in a query with their equivalent constant values before the query executes.

For the SQL procedure, specifies the engine type that a query uses for which optimization is performed by replacing a PUT function in a query with a logically equivalent expression.

For the SQL procedure when the SQLREDUCEPUT= system option is set to NONE, specifies the minimum number of observations that must be in a table in order for PROC SQL to consider optimizing the PUT function in a query.

For the SQL procedure when the SQLREDUCEPUT= system option is set to NONE, specifies the maximum number of SAS format values that can exist in a PUT function expression in order for PROC SQL to consider optimizing the PUT function in a query.

SQLREMERGE System Option
Specifies whether the SQL procedure can process queries that use remerging of data.

Specifies whether the SQL procedure keeps or discards updated data if errors occur while the data is being updated.

UTILLOC= System Option
Specifies one or more file system locations in which applications can store utility files.

Specifies the maximum size (32 characters or 8 characters) that user-created format and informat names can be before an error or warning is issued.

Specifies the rules for valid SAS variable names that can be created and processed during a SAS session.

VARLENCHK= System Option
Specifies the type of message to write to the SAS log when the input data set is read using the SET, MERGE, UPDATE, or MODIFY statements.
Graphics: Driver settings DEVICE= System Option
Specifies the device driver to which SAS/GRAPH sends procedure output.

GSTYLE System Option
Specifies whether ODS styles can be used in the generation of graphs that are stored as GRSEG catalog entries.

GWINDOW System Option
Specifies whether SAS displays SAS/GRAPH output in the GRAPH window.

MAPS= System Option
Specifies the location of the SAS library that contains SAS/GRAPH map data sets.
Input control: Data Processing BYSORTED System Option
Specifies whether observations in one or more data sets are sorted in alphabetic or numeric order or are grouped in another logical order.

CAPS System Option
Specifies whether to convert certain types of input to uppercase.

CARDIMAGE System Option
Specifies whether SAS processes source and data lines as 80-byte cards.

DATESTYLE= System Option
Specifies the sequence of month, day, and year when ANYDTDTE, ANYDTDTM, or ANYDTTME informat data is ambiguous.

INVALIDDATA= System Option
Specifies the value that SAS assigns to a variable when invalid numeric data is encountered.

S= System Option
Specifies the length of statements on each line of a source statement and the length of data on lines that follow a DATALINES statement.

S2= System Option
Specifies the length of statements on each line of a source statement from a %INCLUDE statement, an autoexec file, or an autocall macro file.

S2V= System Option
Specifies the starting position to begin reading a file that is specified in a %INCLUDE statement, an autoexec file, or an autocall macro file with a variable length record format.

SEQ= System Option
Specifies the length of the numeric portion of the sequence field in input source lines or data lines.

SPOOL System Option
Specifies whether SAS statements are written to a utility data set in the WORK data library.

YEARCUTOFF= System Option
Specifies the first year of a 100-year span that is used by date informats and functions to read a two-digit year.
Input control: Data processing INTERVALDS= System Option
Specifies one or more interval name and value pairs, where the value is a SAS data set that contains user-supplied holidays. The interval can be used as an argument to the INTNX and INTCK functions.
Log and procedure output control: ODS Printing BINDING= System Option
Specifies the binding edge for duplexed printed output.

Specifies the size of the margin at the bottom of a printed page.

COLLATE System Option
Specifies whether to collate multiple copies of printed output.

Specifies whether to print in color if color printing is supported.

COPIES= System Option
Specifies the number of copies to print.

DEFLATION= System Option
Specifies the level of compression for device drivers that support the Deflate compression algorithm.

DUPLEX System Option
Specifies whether duplex (two-sided) printing is enabled.

Specifies whether font embedding is enabled in Universal Printer and SAS/GRAPH printing.

Specifies whether SAS/GRAPH devices that are based on the SASGDGIF, SASGDTIF, and SASGDIMG modules render fonts by using the operating system or by using the FreeType engine.

GSTYLE System Option
Specifies whether ODS styles can be used in the generation of graphs that are stored as GRSEG catalog entries.

JPEGQUALITY= System Option
Specifies the JPEG quality factor that determines the ratio of image quality to the level of compression for JPEG files produced by the SAS/GRAPH JPEG device driver.

LEFTMARGIN= System Option
Specifies the print margin for the left side of the page.

ORIENTATION= System Option
Specifies the paper orientation to use when printing to a printer.

PAPERDEST= System Option
Specifies the name of the output bin to receive printed output.

PAPERSIZE= System Option
Specifies the paper size to use for printing.

PAPERSOURCE= System Option
Specifies the name of the paper bin to use for printing.

PAPERTYPE= System Option
Specifies the type of paper to use for printing.

PRINTERPATH= System Option
Specifies the name of a registered printer to use for Universal Printing.

RIGHTMARGIN= System Option
Specifies the print margin for the right side of the page for output directed to an ODS printer destination.

TEXTURELOC= System Option
Specifies the location of textures and images that are used by ODS styles.

TOPMARGIN= System Option
Specifies the print margin at the top of the page for output directed to an ODS printer destination.

Specifies whether to enable Universal Printing services.

Specifies whether to enable compression of file created by some Universal Printer and SAS/GRAPH devices.
Log and procedure output control: PDF PDFACCESS System Option
Specifies whether text and graphics from PDF documents can be read by screen readers for the visually impaired.

Specifies whether PDF documents can be assembled.

PDFCOMMENT System Option
Specifies whether PDF document comments can be modified.

PDFCONTENT System Option
Specifies whether the contents of a PDF document can be changed.

PDFCOPY System Option
Specifies whether text and graphics from a PDF document can be copied.

PDFFILLIN System Option
Specifies whether PDF forms can be filled in.

Specifies the page layout for PDF documents.

PDFPAGEVIEW= System Option
Specifies the page viewing mode for PDF documents.

PDFPASSWORD= System Option
Specifies the password to use to open a PDF document and the password used by a PDF document owner.

PDFPRINT= System Option
Specifies the resolution to print PDF documents.

PDFSECURITY= System Option
Specifies the printing permissions for PDF documents.
Log and procedure output control: Procedure output BYLINE System Option
Specifies whether to print BY lines above each BY group.

CENTER System Option
Specifies whether to center or left align SAS procedure output.

FORMCHAR= System Option
Specifies the default output formatting characters.

FORMDLIM= System Option
Specifies a character to delimit page breaks in SAS output.

LABEL System Option
Specifies whether SAS procedures can use labels with variables.

PAGENO= System Option
Resets the SAS output page number.

PRINTINIT System Option
Specifies whether to initialize the SAS procedure output file.

SKIP= System Option
Specifies the number of lines to skip at the top of each page of SAS output.

Specifies the default font to use for printing, which can be overridden by explicitly specifying a font and an ODS style.
Log and procedure output control: Procedure output DATE System Option
Specifies whether to print the date and time that a SAS program started.

DETAILS System Option
Specifies whether to include additional information when files are listed in a SAS library.

DTRESET System Option
Specifies whether to update the date and time in the SAS log and in the procedure output file.

LINESIZE= System Option
Specifies the line size for the SAS log and for SAS procedure output.

MISSING= System Option
Specifies the character to print for missing numeric values.

NUMBER System Option
Specified whether to print the page number in the title line of each page of SAS output.

Specifies whether to begin the SAS log and procedure output files on a new page.

PAGESIZE= System Option
Specifies the number of lines that compose a page of SAS output.
Log and procedure output control: SAS log and procedure output DATE System Option
Specifies whether to print the date and time that a SAS program started.

DETAILS System Option
Specifies whether to include additional information when files are listed in a SAS library.

DTRESET System Option
Specifies whether to update the date and time in the SAS log and in the procedure output file.

LINESIZE= System Option
Specifies the line size for the SAS log and for SAS procedure output.

MISSING= System Option
Specifies the character to print for missing numeric values.

NUMBER System Option
Specified whether to print the page number in the title line of each page of SAS output.

Specifies whether to begin the SAS log and procedure output files on a new page.

PAGESIZE= System Option
Specifies the number of lines that compose a page of SAS output.
Log and procedure output control: SAS log CPUID System Option
Specifies whether the CPU identification number is written to the SAS log.

DATE System Option
Specifies whether to print the date and time that a SAS program started.

DETAILS System Option
Specifies whether to include additional information when files are listed in a SAS library.

DMSLOGSIZE= System Option
Specifies the maximum number of rows that the SAS Log window can display.

DTRESET System Option
Specifies whether to update the date and time in the SAS log and in the procedure output file.

ECHOAUTO System Option
Specifies whether the statements in the autoexec file are written to the SAS log as they are executed.

ERRORS= System Option
Specifies the maximum number of observations for which SAS issues complete error messages.

LINESIZE= System Option
Specifies the line size for the SAS log and for SAS procedure output.

LOGPARM= System Option
Specifies when SAS log files are opened, closed, and, in conjunction with the LOG= system option, how they are named.

MISSING= System Option
Specifies the character to print for missing numeric values.

MSGLEVEL= System Option
Specifies the level of detail in messages that are written to the SAS log.

NEWS= System Option
Specifies an external file that contains messages to be written to the SAS log, immediately after the header.

NOTES System Option
Specifies whether notes are written to the SAS log.

NUMBER System Option
Specified whether to print the page number in the title line of each page of SAS output.

OVP System Option
Specifies whether overprinting of error messages to make them bold, is enabled.

Specifies whether to begin the SAS log and procedure output files on a new page.

PAGESIZE= System Option
Specifies the number of lines that compose a page of SAS output.

Specifies whether to print all messages to the SAS log or to print only top-level messages to the SAS log.

SOURCE System Option
Specifies whether SAS writes source statements to the SAS log.

SOURCE2 System Option
Specifies whether SAS writes secondary source statements from included files to the SAS log.
Log and procedure output control: SVG SVGCONTROLBUTTONS
Specifies whether to display the paging control buttons and an index in a multipage SVG document.

SVGHEIGHT= System Option
Specifies the height of the viewport unless the SVG output is embedded in another SVG output; specifies the value of the height attribute of the outermost <svg> element in the SVG file.

Specifies whether to force uniform scaling of SVG output; specifies the preserveAspectRatio attribute on the outermost <svg> element.

SVGTITLE= System Option
Specifies the title in the title bar of the SVG output; specifies the value of the <title> element in the SVG file.

SVGVIEWBOX= System Option
Specifies the coordinates, width, and height that are used to set the viewBox attribute on the outermost <svg> element, which enables SVG output to scale to the viewport.

SVGWIDTH= System Option
Specifies the width of the viewport unless the SVG output is embedded in another SVG output; specifies the value of the width attribute in the outermost <svg> element in the SVG file.

SVGX= System Option
Specifies the x-axis coordinate of one corner of the rectangular region into which an embedded <svg> element is placed; specifies the x attribute in the outermost <svg> element in an SVG file.

SVGY= System Option
Specifies the y-axis coordinate of one corner of the rectangular region into which an embedded <svg> element is placed; specifies the y attribute in the outermost <svg> element in an SVG file.
Sort: Procedure options SORTDUP= System Option
Specifies whether the SORT procedure removes duplicate variables based on all variables in a data set or the variables that remain after the DROP or KEEP data set options have been applied.

SORTEQUALS System Option
Specifies whether observations in the output data set with identical BY variable values have a particular order.

SORTSIZE= System Option
Specifies the amount of memory that is available to the SORT procedure.

Specifies whether the SORT procedure verifies if a data set is sorted according to the variables in the BY statement when a user-specified sort order is denoted in the sort indicator.
System administration: Code generation CGOPTIMIZE= System Option
Specifies the level of optimization to perform during code compilation.
System administration: Installation SETINIT System Option
Specifies whether site license information can be altered.
System administration: Memory SORTSIZE= System Option
Specifies the amount of memory that is available to the SORT procedure.

SUMSIZE= System Option
Specifies a limit on the amount of memory that is available for data summarization procedures when class variables are active.
System administration: Performance BUFNO= System Option
Specifies the number of buffers to be allocated for processing SAS data sets.

BUFSIZE= System Option
Specifies the permanent buffer page size for output SAS data sets.

CGOPTIMIZE= System Option
Specifies the level of optimization to perform during code compilation.

CMPMODEL= System Option
Specifies the output model type for the MODEL procedure.

CMPOPT= System Option
Specifies the type of code generation optimizations to use in the SAS language compiler.

COMPRESS= System Option
Specifies the type of compression of observations to use for output SAS data sets.

CPUCOUNT= System Option
Specifies the number of processors that the thread-enabled applications should assume will be available for concurrent processing.

For the SQL procedure, specifies the engine type that a query uses for which optimization is performed by replacing a PUT function in a query with a logically equivalent expression.

For the SQL procedure when the SQLREDUCEPUT= system option is set to NONE, specifies the minimum number of observations that must be in a table in order for PROC SQL to consider optimizing the PUT function in a query.

For the SQL procedure when the SQLREDUCEPUT= system option is set to NONE, specifies the maximum number of SAS format values that can exist in a PUT function expression in order for PROC SQL to consider optimizing the PUT function in a query.

THREADS System Option
Specifies that SAS use threaded processing if it is available.
System administration: SQL SQLCONSTDATETIME System Option
Specifies whether the SQL procedure replaces references to the DATE, TIME, DATETIME, and TODAY functions in a query with their equivalent constant values before the query executes.

For the SQL procedure, specifies the engine type that a query uses for which optimization is performed by replacing a PUT function in a query with a logically equivalent expression.

For the SQL procedure when the SQLREDUCEPUT= system option is set to NONE, specifies the minimum number of observations that must be in a table in order for PROC SQL to consider optimizing the PUT function in a query.

For the SQL procedure when the SQLREDUCEPUT= system option is set to NONE, specifies the maximum number of SAS format values that can exist in a PUT function expression in order for PROC SQL to consider optimizing the PUT function in a query.

SQLREMERGE System Option
Specifies whether the SQL procedure can process queries that use remerging of data.

Specifies whether the SQL procedure keeps or discards updated data if errors occur while the data is being updated.
System administration: Security PDFPASSWORD= System Option
Specifies the password to use to open a PDF document and the password used by a PDF document owner.

PDFSECURITY= System Option
Specifies the printing permissions for PDF documents.

RLANG System Option
Specifies whether SAS executes R language statements.

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