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Using DATA Step Component Objects

Introduction to DATA Step Component Objects

SAS provides these five predefined component objects for use in a DATA step:

hash and hash iterator objects

enable you to quickly and efficiently store, search, and retrieve data based on lookup keys. The hash object keys and data are DATA step variables. Key and data values can be directly assigned constant values or values from a SAS data set. For information about the hash and hash iterator object language elements, see Hash and Hash Iterator Object Language Elements in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.

Java object

provides a mechanism that is similar to the Java Native Interface (JNI) for instantiating Java classes and accessing fields and methods on the resultant objects. For more information, see Java Object Language Elements in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.

logger and appender objects

enable you to record logging events and write these events to the appropriate destination. For more information, see Logger and Appender Object Language Element in SAS Logging: Configuration and Programming Reference.

The DATA step Component Interface enables you to create and manipulate these component objects using statements, attributes, operators, and methods. You use the DATA step object dot notation to access the component object's attributes and methods. For detailed information about dot notation and the DATA step objects' statements, attributes, methods, and operators, see the Dictionary of Component Language Elements in SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.

Note:   The DATA step component object statement, attributes, methods, and operators are limited to those defined for these objects. You cannot use the SAS Component Language functionality with these predefined DATA step objects.  [cautionend]

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