
Directs SAS application messages to the z/OS operating system console.
Valid in: XML configuration
See: For more information about the z/OS write-to-operator (WTO) service macro and the parameters that are listed here, see the IBM reference document, MVS Assembler Services Reference.
For information about the generic elements of the appender syntax, see General Appender Syntax.


<appender class=" ZOSWtoAppender" name="appender-name">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="conversion-pattern"/>
<param name="routecode" value="value"/>
<param name="desccode" value="value"/>
<param name="mcsflag" value="HRDCPY | BRDCST | NOTIME/>

Syntax Description

name="routecode" value="value"
specifies the routing code that is used for ZOSWtoAppender messages.
name="desccode" value="value"
specifies the descriptor code that is used for ZOSWtoAppender messages.
name="mcsflag" value="value"
specifies the mcs flag that is used for ZOSWtoAppender messages. Valid values for the mcs flag parameter are HRDCPY, BRDCST, NOTIME, and BUSYEXIT.


ZOSWtoAppender is a logging facility appender that supports event logging on z/OS operating systems. ZOSWtoAppender enables you to direct SAS application messages, such as automation messages in the Admin message category, to the operating system consoles. ZOSWtoAppender uses the z/OS write-to-operator (WTO) service macro to direct the messages to the consoles. The appender also enables SAS servers to send messages about the status of applications to z/OS for automation purposes.
The “routecode”, “desccode”, and “mcsflag” parameters can be included multiple times in your XML file. For example, you can have multiple “routecode” parameters if you want to specify more than one routing code.


The following example initiates ZOSWtoAppender; specifies a conversion pattern; specifies the name of the logger; and specifies values for the “routecode”, “desccode”, and “mcsflag” parameters.
<appender name="WTO" class="ZOSWtoAppender">
      <param name=ConversionPattern"
             value="%d %-5p [%t] %c (%F:%L) — %m"/>
   <param name="routecode" value="11"/>
   <param name="desccode"   value="7"/>
   <param name="mcsflag"   value="HRDCPY"/>
<logger name ="ADMIN.OPERATIONS">
   <level value="trace"/>
   <appender-ref ref="WTO"/>