CONTINUE Statement

Stops processing the current DO-loop iteration and resumes processing the next iteration.
Valid in: DATA step
Category: Control
Type: Executable
Restriction: Can be used only in a DO loop



Without Arguments

The CONTINUE statement has no arguments. It stops processing statements within the current DO-loop iteration based on a condition. Processing resumes with the next iteration of the DO loop.


  • The CONTINUE statement stops the processing of the current iteration of a loop and resumes with the next iteration; the LEAVE statement causes processing of the current loop to end.
  • You can use the CONTINUE statement only in a DO loop; you can use the LEAVE statement in a DO loop or a SELECT group.

Example: Preventing Other Statements from Executing

This DATA step creates a report of benefits for new full-time employees. If an employee's status is PT (part-time), the CONTINUE statement prevents the second INPUT statement and the OUTPUT statement from executing.
data new_emp;
   drop i;
   do i=1 to 5;
      input name $ idno status $;
         /* return to top of loop  */
         /* when condition is true */
      if status='PT' then continue;
         input benefits $10.;
Jones 9011 PT
Thomas 876 PT
Richards 1002 FT
Kelly 85111 PT
Smith 433 FT