ATTRC Function

Returns the value of a character attribute for a SAS data set.

Category: SAS File I/O


Required Arguments


specifies the data set identifier that the OPEN function returns.


is the name of a SAS data set attribute. If the value of attr-name is invalid, a missing value is returned. The following is a list of SAS data set attribute names and their values:


returns a value for the character set of the computer that created the data set.

empty string Data set not sorted
ASCII ASCII character set
EBCDIC EBCDIC character set
ANSI OS/2 ANSI standard ASCII character set
OEM OS/2 OEM code format


returns 'YES' or 'NO' depending on whether the SAS data set is encrypted.


returns the name of the engine that is used to access the data set.


returns the label assigned to the data set.


returns the libref of the SAS library in which the data set resides.


returns the SAS data set name.


returns the mode in which the SAS data set was opened, such as:

I INPUT mode allows random access if the engine supports it. Otherwise, it defaults to IN mode.
IN INPUT mode reads sequentially and allows revisiting observations.
IS INPUT mode reads sequentially but does not allow revisiting observations.
N NEW mode creates a new data set.
U UPDATE mode allows random access if the engine supports it. Otherwise, it defaults to UN mode.
UN UPDATE mode reads sequentially and allows revisiting observations.
US UPDATE mode reads sequentially but does not allow revisiting observations.
V UTILITY mode allows modification of variable attributes and indexes associated with the data set.


returns the SAS library member type.


returns an empty string if the data set is not sorted. Otherwise, it returns the names of the BY variables in the standard BY statement format.


returns a value that indicates how a data set was sorted:

Empty string Data set is not sorted.
WEAK Sort order of the data set was established by the user (for example, through the SORTEDBY data set option). The system cannot validate its correctness, so the order of observations cannot be depended on.
STRONG Sort order of the data set was established by the software (for example, through PROC SORT or the OUT= option in the CONTENTS procedure).


returns an empty string if the data set is sorted on the native computer or if the sort collating sequence is the default for the operating environment. Otherwise, it returns the name of the alternate collating sequence used to sort the file.


returns the SAS data set type.


Example 1: Writing a Message about Input Sequential Mode to the SAS Log

This example generates a message if the SAS data set has not been opened in INPUT SEQUENTIAL mode. The message is written to the SAS log as follows:
%let mode=%sysfunc(attrc(&dsid,MODE));
%if &mode ne IS %then
   %put Data set has not been opened in INPUT SEQUENTIAL mode.;

Example 2: Testing Whether a Data Set Has Been Sorted

This example tests whether a data set has been sorted and writes the result to the SAS log:
data _null_;
   if charset = "" then
      put "Data set has not been sorted.";
   else put "Data set sorted with " charset 
            "character set.";

See Also