CBw.d Informat

Reads standard numeric values from column-binary files.

Category: Column Binary



Syntax Description


specifies the width of the input field.

Range 1–32


specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value. SAS uses the d value even if the data contain decimal points. This argument is optional.


Column-binary data storage compresses data so that more than 80 items of data can be stored on a single “virtual” punch card.
The CBw.d informat reads standard numeric values from column-binary files and translates the data into standard binary format.
SAS first stores each column of column-binary data that you read with CBw.d in two bytes and ignores the two high-order bits of each byte. If the punch codes are valid, then SAS stores the equivalent numeric value in the variable that you specify. If the combinations are not valid, then SAS assigns the variable a missing value and sets the automatic variable _ERROR_ to 1.

Example: Examples

input @1 x cb8.;
Data Line 1
1The data line is a hexadecimal representation of the column binary. The “virtual” punch card column for the example data has row 9 punched. The binary representation is 0000 0000 0000 1001.

See Also

How to Read Column-Binary Data in SAS Language Reference: Concepts in SAS Language Reference: Concepts