IEEEw.d Informat

Reads an IEEE floating-point value and divides it by 10 raised to the d th power.

Category: Numeric
Interaction: List input is incompatible with binary input when this informat is specified in an INFORMAT= statement or an ATTRIB= statement using the INFORMAT= argument. SAS issues a warning and uses formatted input to read the data.



Syntax Description


specifies the width of the input field.

Default 8
Range 2–8
Tip If w is 8, an IEEE double-precision, floating-point number is read. If w is 5, 6, or 7, an IEEE double-precision, floating-point number is read, which assumes truncation of the appropriate number of bytes. If w is 4, an IEEE single-precision, floating-point number is read. If w is 3, an IEEE single-precision, floating-point number is read, which assumes truncation of one byte.


specifies the power of 10 by which to divide the value.


The IEEEw.d informat is useful in operating environments where IEEE is the floating-point representation that is used. In addition, you can use the IEEEw.d informat to read files that are created by programs on operating environments that use the IEEE floating-point representation.
Typically, programs generate IEEE values in single precision (4 bytes) or double precision (8 bytes). Truncation is performed by programs solely to save space on output files. Machine instructions require that the floating-point number be of one of the two lengths. The IEEEw.d informat allows other lengths, which enables you to read data from files that contain space-saving truncated data.


input test1 ieee4.; 
input test2 ieee5.; 
Data Line 1
1The data lines are hexadecimal representations of binary numbers that are stored in IEEE format.
The first INPUT statement reads the first data line, and the second INPUT statement reads the next data line.