After generations
for a data set have been requested using the GENMAX= data set option,
use GENNUM= to request a specific version. For example, specifying
GENNUM=3 refers to the historical version #003, while specifying GENNUM=-1
refers to the youngest historical version.
Note that after 999
replacements, the youngest version would be #999. After 1,000 replacements,
SAS rolls over the youngest version number to #000. Therefore, if
you want the historical version #000, specify GENNUM=1000.
Both an absolute reference
and a relative reference refer to a specific version. A relative reference
does not skip deleted versions. Therefore, when working with a generation
group that includes one or more deleted versions, using a relative
reference results in an error if the version being referenced has
been deleted. For example, if you have the base version AIR and three
historical versions (AIR#001, AIR#002, and AIR#003) and you delete
AIR#002, the following statements return an error, because AIR#002
does not exist. SAS does not assume you mean AIR#003:
proc print data=air (gennum= -2);