The printer setup facilities are intended to make it simple for you to obtain a hard copy of text that you have saved in your work with SAS/LAB software. First you provide the site-specific commands needed to send a file to various printers; that is, you maintain a printer list. Then you select the active printer from the list. This completes printer setup.
After printer setup, whenever you select 'Print current text' or 'Print saved text' from a Journal pull-down menu, the current text or text journal is sent to the active printer using the command you have specified for that printer.
If you are running the SAS System under Windows, Windows NT, or OS/2, or on a Macintosh, you do not need to set up text printers within SAS/LAB software. Your default printer is used automatically.
Note that if you have never defined a printer to SAS/LAB before, selecting 'Maintain printer list' takes you to a special window for defining the first printer. This printer is automatically made the active printer. Subsequently, you are required to maintain the printer list (provide new printer commands, edit old printer commands, etc.) and select the active printer yourself.