SAS/LAB software provides facilities for creating a new variable that is a transformation of an existing variable in the same data set. This new variable is added to the current data set.
To create a new variable by transforming an old one, select 'Modify' and then 'Transform a variable...' from the File pull-down menu on the main window. A list of existing variables is presented. After you select the variable that you want to transform, you are prompted for the new variable's name and the transformation that should be applied. Available transformations include square root, log (bases e, 2, and 10), and inverse. You can also enter your own formula for a transformation.
Note that the existing variable is not changed when the new variable is created. Only numeric variables are available for transformation, and the variable created is automatically a numeric variable. You must have write access to the data set to be able to transform variables. The data set must not be a view.