The analysis specifies the way you want to analyze the data, or relate the response to the factor(s). Simple linear regression, one-way analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, and multiple regression and ANOVA are available. In some cases, SAS/LAB software can assign the appropriate analysis when you select a data set. If not, you can select the analysis in several ways.
When you press the
button, you are prompted for the analysis type if there is not one specified. You can also specify or change the analysis type by selecting 'Change' and then 'Analysis...' from the Locals pull-down menu, or by selecting the keyword 'Analysis:' in the body of the main window. Note that your factor and classification variable specifications may be changed automatically when you switch from one analysis type to another.When you press the
button without having specified an analysis type, the list of available analysis types includes the entry 'Not sure'. If you select 'Not sure', you are prompted for information until SAS/LAB software can figure out the appropriate analysis.