To produce the best possible hard-copy graphs from SAS/LAB software, do the following:
Decide what device you want to use to print the graphs, and select that device as your active hard-copy device in SAS/LAB software.
How: From SAS/LAB software's main window, select 'Setup' from the Locals pull-down menu. Then select 'Graphics options and devices'. From the Graphics Settings window, select [Hardcopy device] to bring up the Hardcopy Device window. Here, select the name of the device you want to use.
To make it effortless to repeatedly send graphs to your selected hardcopy device, supply supplemental commands that will be automatically executed each time you print a graph using this device. In general, these commands will create a spooled graphics file and send that file to your device.
How: While still in the Hardcopy Device window, use the [Prefix commands] and [Suffix commands] buttons to specify supplemental commands to be submitted automatically each time you use this device driver.
Tell SAS/LAB software that any graphs you save to your journal should be saved as if they will be printed on the active hardcopy device. Saved graphs will then be optimized for a good appearance on this device rather than on your monitor.
How: From the Graphics Settings window, select 'Hardcopy device' as the target for saved graphs.
Adjust the font and colors used in SAS/LAB's graphs to a font and colors that look good on your selected device.
How: While still on the Graphics Settings window, see the column of hardcopy device graph characteristics in the lower right corner. Change the settings in this column to those of your choosing.