Connection Properties for the SAS Drivers

IOM Driver Properties

The following table describes the driver connection properties that are available for the IOM driver.
Connection Properties for the IOM Driver (in Alphabetical Order)
Specifies whether column formats are applied when retrieving Base SAS data. If the applyFormats connection property is set to true, then formatted data is returned from the SAS Workspace Server. It is returned as a String with column formatting (as defined in the data set) applied. By default, the applyFormats connection property is set to false, and formats are not applied when data is retrieved.
Specifies the name of the engine that is used to connect directly to the underlying third-party relational DBMS such as ORACLE or MYSQL. The value must be eight characters padded with trailing blanks. If you do not set this value, then the default value of sqlview is used and your Java application can access only Base SAS data sets.
Specifies valid options for the engine that is specified by using the dbms connection property. Specify the options as you would specify the database-definition arguments when using the PROC SQL CONNECT TO statement. See the “Pass-Through Facility for Relational Databases” in SAS/ACCESS for Relational Databases: Reference.
Specifies a comma-separated list of encryption algorithms in order of preference. Your Java application will use this list when negotiating encryption algorithms with the server. List only the algorithms that you want to use for a particular connection. If no algorithms are listed, then the server will choose one.
Here are the possible values for this property:
a stream cipher developed at SAS
a block cipher developed by RSA Data Security
a stream cipher developed by RSA Data Security
a block cipher known as Data Encryption Standard
DES applied three times with separate keys
a block cipher that encrypts data in blocks of 128 bits by using a 256-bit key
Specifies which messages should be encrypted if encryption is used. Here are the valid values:
encrypt all messages. This value is the default.
encrypt only messages that contain user name and password information.
Yes, if encryption is used
Specifies whether your Java application will attempt to negotiate and use an encryption algorithm with the server and what to do if the negotiations are not successful. Here are the possible situations:
  • If the value of this property is none, then your Java application will not attempt to negotiate and use an encryption algorithm with the server. If the server requires encryption to be used, then the connection will fail. This value is the default.
  • If the value of this property is optional, then your Java application will attempt to negotiate and use an encryption algorithm with the server. If the negotiations fail, then your Java application will try to continue with an unencrypted connection. However, the unencrypted connection will also fail if the server requires encryption.
  • If the value of this property is required, then your Java application will attempt to negotiate and use an encryption algorithm with the server. If the negotiations fail, then the connection fails.
Specifies the name and location of one or more SAS libraries to assign.
Yes, if the server does not already have the librefs defined and you are not accessing data in the Work libref
Specifies the password that corresponds to the user name that you specify by using the user connection property.
Yes, if the server is secure
Specifies a Boolean value that determines whether the IOM driver returns the Base SAS data set label for each data set in the library that your application accesses. If the value is true, then the labels are returned. When this property is set to true, operations that require reading and returning data set labels can result in poor performance. This is the case because each data set must be opened in order to read the label. For example, if this property is set to true, performance might be degraded when using the MVADatabaseMetaData.getTables() method to retrieve a description of the tables in a catalog. The default value of this property is false.
Set the service principal name to use when connecting to this server (only applicable for SSPI when using Kerberos or Negotiate).
Specifies a Boolean value that determines whether changes to the data are undone when an UPDATE or INSERT statement generates errors. When the value is set to true (the default value), the changes are not undone. When the value is set to false, the server attempts to undo the changes.
Specifies a valid user name for the SAS Workspace Server that you are connecting to.
Yes, if the server is secure
Tells the driver whether to use Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) or not for authentication:
Do not use SSPI. This is the default value.
Use Kerberos authentication.
Use Microsoft NT LAN Manager authentication.
Enables the client and server to negotiate a site-specific package to use.
1To use RC2, RC4, DES, TRIPLEDES, or AES, you must license SAS/SECURE on the server and install the Java component of SAS/SECURE ( in your code base. The availability of SAS/SECURE is subject to import and export restrictions.

SAS/SHARE Driver Properties

The following table describes the driver connection properties that are available for the SAS/SHARE driver.
Connection Properties for the SAS/SHARE Driver (in Alphabetical Order)
Specifies the name of the Java applet or application that you are creating. This name will appear in all server log entries that are related to the applet or application. The value can be a maximum of eight characters. If the value is longer than eight characters, then the name will be truncated.
Not required, but provides information for the SAS log
Specifies the engine. For example, you can specify spds, which is the name of the engine that is used to connect directly to the SPD Server.
The default is sqlview, which specifies that SAS data sets will be accessed.
Specifies valid options for the engine that is specified by using the dbms connection property. Specify the options as you would specify the database-definition arguments when using the PROC SQL CONNECT TO statement. See the “Pass-Through Facility for Relational Databases” in SAS/ACCESS for Relational Databases: Reference.
Specifies the name and location of one or more SAS Libraries to assign.
Yes, if the server does not already have the librefs defined and you are not accessing data in the Work libref
Specifies the password that corresponds to the user name that you specify by using the user connection property. Typically thought of as the password that is required to connect to the server, this password is required by the network protocol.
Yes, if the server is secure
Specifies the password that is required by the third-party relational database management system (DBMS) that is specified by the dbms connection property. This password is the SQL Pass-Through Facility password for the SAS/SHARE server that your Java application will connect to. The SQL Pass-Through Facility enables your application to access third-party DBMSs. See the “Pass-Through Facility for Relational Databases” in SAS/ACCESS for Relational Databases: Reference.
Yes, if the DBMS connection requires it.
Specifies a Boolean value that determines whether the SAS/SHARE driver for JDBC returns the Base SAS data set label for each data set in the library that your application accesses. If the value is true, then the labels are returned. When this property is set to true, operations that require reading and returning data set labels can result in poor performance. This is the case because each data set must be opened in order to read the label. For example, if this property is set to true, performance might be degraded when using the MVADatabaseMetaData.getTables() method to retrieve a description of the tables in a catalog. The default value of this property is false.
Specifies the URL of the Message Router. Use this form:
(routerUrl http://your_server/cgi-bin/shrcgi)
where http://your_server/cgi-bin/shrcgi is the URL of the Message Router (shrcgi.exe), one of the tunnel feature's server programs.
Specifies the Server Access Password that is required if the SAS/SHARE server was started with the User Access Password (UAPW) option. More often, the password connection property will be used instead.
Yes, if the server is secure
Specifies a Boolean value that determines whether changes to the data are undone when an UPDATE or INSERT statement generates errors. When the value is set to true (the recommended setting), the changes are not undone. When the value is set to false, the server attempts to undo the changes.
Specifies a valid user name for the SAS/SHARE server that you are connecting to.
Yes, if the server is secure
1The tunnel feature consists of programs that are installed on your Web server. These programs use the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) to receive requests from the Java applet that is running on a user's browser. The server programs forward the requests to the SAS server for processing. When the processing is complete, the programs return the results to the applet.