Add a User-Defined Report Occurrence to the Gallery Manager

To add a user-defined report occurrence such as StartofQtr or StartofYear as filter options to the Gallery Manager, perform the following steps:
  1. Open SAS Management Console with administrator login credentials. (To update the default report limits for the primary and secondary filters, use the SAS Administrative ID, which is sasadm.)
  2. On the Plug-ins tab, expand Application Managementthen selectConfiguration Managerthen selectSAS Application Infrastructure.
    Note: The Configuration Manager is installed as part of the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform client. If you do not see this plug-in in SAS Management Console, then you can install it in the Software Deployment Wizard by selecting Install Additional Software and selecting the SAS Web Infrastructure Platform client.
  3. Expand SAS Application Infrastructure.
  4. Right-click ITRM Gallery Manager 3.3 and select Properties.
  5. On the Advanced tab, add the user-defined report occurrence to the itrmgm.DateByVariables parameter. As shown in the following example, you can add Date, StartOfWeek, StartOfMonth, StartOfQtr, StartOfYear to the Property value field.
    Advanced Tab of the Properties Window
    Advanced Tab of the Properties Window
  6. Restart the Gallery Manager application.
  7. In the Create Gallery and Edit Gallery wizards, you can select these additional date-based periods to use as filters for the gallery that you are working with. Therefore, you can display the corresponding date-based BY variable in that gallery.
    Select More Time Periods in the Gallery Manager Wizards
    Select More Time Periods in the Gallery Manager Wizards
The new report occurrence options filter reports that contain the corresponding value in their BY variables list.