The Gallery Manager Interface

Log On as a Registered User

To log on to Gallery Manager, perform the following steps:
  1. In the address bar of your Web browser, enter the URL for Gallery Manager and press ENTER. The logon window for Gallery Manager appears.
    Note: Contact your system administrator if you do not have the URL for Gallery Manager.
    Gallery Manager Log On Window
    Gallery Manager Log On Window
  2. Enter a user ID and password. Your user ID might be case-sensitive, depending on the operating system that is used to host the application server. Your password is case-sensitive.
  3. Click Log On. The Gallery Manager interface appears.

Your First Look at the Gallery Manager Interface

The Gallery Manager interface is divided into several parts that enable you to manage your gallery folders and galleries. The following image shows a Gallery Manager interface and its five primary parts:
Gallery Manager Interface
Gallery Manager Interface
Note: The Filters pane (not shown above) also resides in this area of the Gallery Manager interface. When you select a gallery in the Browse pane, you can use the icons at the top of the pane to toggle back and forth from the Browse pane to the Filters pane.
1 Gallery Manager banner
2 Browse pane
Note: The Filters pane (not shown above) also resides in this area of the Gallery Manager interface. When you select a gallery in the Browse pane, you can use the icons at the top of the pane to toggle back and forth from the Browse pane to the Filters pane.
3 Gallery pane
4 Favorites pane
5 Status bar
Note: Each pane includes an Action button that provides task options that are related to the objects in the pane.

Gallery Manager Banner

The Gallery Manager banner provides identifiers (the application name and SAS logo), a link to more Gallery Manager documentation, and the Log Off option. These features help you to identify and use the application effectively.

Browse Pane

The Browse pane, located on the left side of the Gallery Manager interface, includes a tree view of gallery folders and galleries that you can browse and navigate. This pane appears by default when you open the Gallery Manager.
Browse Pane
Browse Pane
The Browse pane consists of a tree view that has the following two main folders:
  • My Galleries contains folders and galleries that a user creates and defines. The content of the My Galleries folder is different for each individual user based on the gallery folders and galleries that the user creates.
    Note: A My Galleries folder is not available to users who are not members of the IT Resource Management Administrator or IT Resource Management User groups.
  • Public Galleries contains folders and galleries that are designated as public. All Gallery Manager users can see the folders and galleries in the Public Galleries folder.
The Browse pane shares space with the Filters pane. The icons at the top of these panes enable you to toggle back and forth from the Browse pane to the Filters pane. If the Filters pane is visible, then click the Browse icon (Browse Icon) to view the Browse pane.

Filters Pane

The Filters pane, located on the left side of the Gallery Manager interface, enables you to subset the view of reports in a gallery by one or more criteria. This process reduces the number of reports that are shown in the Gallery pane so that you can limit the display to those specific reports that meet the filter criteria that you specify.
To access the Filters pane, select a gallery in the Browse pane and then click the Filters icon (Filter Icon).
Filters Pane
Filters pane
The Filters pane shares space with the Browse pane. The icons at the top of these panes enable you to toggle back and forth from the Filters pane to the Browse pane.

Gallery Pane

The Gallery pane is the center pane of the Gallery Manager interface. This pane enables you to view the details about the gallery folders and galleries that you select in the Browse or Favorites panes. The Gallery pane also enables you to view the reports that you select in a gallery.
The information in the Gallery pane varies based on whether you select to view gallery folders, a gallery, or a report. Here are the ways that the Gallery pane displays information based on the object that you select:
  • If you select a gallery folder in the Browse pane, then the Gallery pane displays the name of the gallery folder in its banner. The Gallery pane also displays the next level of gallery folders or galleries that the selected folder contains.
    In the following example, the My Galleries folder is selected in the Browse pane. This folder's first level of contents (the Sample Reports gallery and the DEVA Machine Galleries folder) is displayed in the Gallery pane.
    Contents of a Gallery Folder Displayed in the Gallery Pane
    Contents of a Gallery Folder Displayed in the Gallery Pane
  • If you select a gallery in the Browse pane, then the Gallery pane displays the name of the gallery in its banner. The Gallery pane also displays information about each report in the gallery or each report that meets the filter criteria that you specified on the Filters pane. The status bar provides the number of reports that are available in current instance of the Gallery pane.
    The Gallery pane provides three formats for viewing reports. You can click one of the View icons at the top of the Gallery pane to select the view that you want to use when viewing the reports. In each view, you can double-click any report to open it in a separate browser window.
    View Icons in the Gallery Pane
    View Icons in the Gallery Pane
    Here are the three views that the Gallery pane provides for viewing the reports in a gallery:
    • Table view (Table View Icon) displays a list or grid of the reports. This is the default view. The following image shows a gallery named My Sample Reports in the banner and the associated reports in the gallery are listed in the Table view.
      A Gallery Displayed in the Table View
      A Gallery Displayed in the Table View
    • Thumbnail view (Thumbnail View Icon) displays small images or thumbnails of the reports. The following image shows a gallery named My Sample Reports in the banner and the associated reports in the gallery are displayed in the Thumbnail view.
      A Gallery Displayed in the Thumbnail View
      A Gallery Displayed in the Thumbnail View
    • Flow view (Flow view icon) displays images of the reports in a stacked sequence. The following image shows a gallery named My Sample Reports in the banner and the associated reports in the gallery are displayed in the Flow view.
      A Gallery Displayed in the Flow View
      A Gallery Displayed in the Flow View

Favorites Pane

The Favorites pane, located on the right side of the Gallery Manager interface, contains copies of the reports that you choose to save for your personal records or to e-mail others. The Favorites pane enables you to create and name Favorites folders. In these folders, you can organize and store the report copies that show data of a particular interest.
Favorites Pane
Favorites Pane

Status Bar

The status bar, located at the bottom of the Gallery Manager interface, displays the user ID that is logged on the application. This bar also displays various messages that relate to the current processes, views, or user actions that are running on the application.
For example, the following status bar provides the number of reports that are contained in the selected gallery and the current user ID that is logged on the application.
Status Bar
Status Bar

Action Buttons

Each pane of the Gallery Manager includes an Action button. This button enables you to perform tasks that are related to the given pane. The options that are available for each Action button vary based on the permissions of the user, the pane where the button resides, and the capabilities of the selected objects in the respective pane. For example, the Action button for the Browse and Filters panes enables you to perform the following tasks that are related to gallery folders and galleries:
  • Create a new gallery folder or gallery.
  • Edit, copy, or delete a gallery folder or gallery.
  • Mark a gallery folder as public or private.
    Note: This option is available only if the selected gallery folder is in the first level of the My Galleries folder.
These options vary based on the current Gallery Manager selections. For example, if nothing is selected in the Browse pane when you click the Action button in that pane, then the Edit, Copy, Delete, Public, and Private options are not available.
In addition, the Action buttons in other panes enable you to perform different tasks that are related to their respective pane. For example, the Action button in the Favorites pane provides task options that are related to Favorites folders and reports.