Managing SAS Enterprise Guide Projects for SAS IT Resource Management

About SAS Enterprise Guide Projects for SAS IT Resource Management

The reports that are available from Gallery Manager and used for the purposes of performance management and capacity planning have their beginnings in SAS Enterprise Guide projects. These projects and their tasks produce reports that must be managed to ensure the integrity of the operational reporting environment for SAS IT Resource Management.
SAS makes the following recommendations as best practices for managing the SAS Enterprise Guide projects that SAS IT Resource Management provides at installation. These best practices assume that the SAS Enterprise Guide projects are maintained by several people referred to as “report developers” in this appendix.
The best practices described here provide suggestions for managing the following two sources of SAS Enterprise Guide projects:
supplied projects
Supplied projects, also called supplied SAS Enterprise Guide projects, are delivered with the SAS IT Resource Management solution. These projects are installed on each client machine to which SAS Enterprise Guide is deployed during the installation of SAS IT Resource Management. These projects are made available in the <SAS install location>\SAS\ITRMEG\3.2 folder (such as c:\Program Files\SAS\ITRMEG\3.2).
Supplied projects are assumed to be owned and managed by SAS. When updates to the SAS IT Resource Management solution are released, the entire contents of this folder might be overwritten to deliver product enhancements.
user projects
User projects are those SAS Enterprise Guide projects that are created by users of the SAS IT Resource Management solution and stored in a location other than that of the supplied projects. A suggested folder is <SAS install location>\SAS\ITRMEG\3.2\User (such as c:\Program Files\SAS\ITRMEG\3.2\User).
The report definitions that are created by these SAS Enterprise Guide projects differ in the following ways:
  • Supplied report definitions that are delivered with the SAS IT Resource Management solution are written to the SAS Metadata Server and are stored in folders such as Shared Data/SAS IT Resource Management/3.2 IT Report Definitions/<Adapter Name>/Supplied/<Time Period>.
  • User report definitions that a generated from user projects should be written to a location other than that of the supplied report definitions. A suggested location is /Shared Data/SAS IT Resource Management/3.2 IT Report Definitions/<Adapter Name>/User Defined/<Time Period>.
Note: As SAS releases updates to supplied SAS Enterprise Guide projects and corresponding report definitions, you can run the jobs that the Adapter Setup wizard generates and view the report output in Gallery Manger. Any updates that SAS delivers can be incorporated into your production reporting jobs by executing the best practices that are described in the following topic.

Maintain SAS Enterprise Guide Projects for SAS IT Resource Management

The following steps are recommended to maintain the SAS Enterprise Guide projects that SAS IT Resource Management uses.
  1. Identify all SAS Enterprise Guide projects that are used to produce reports from the operational SAS IT Resource Management System. You can obtain this information from Gallery Manager by viewing the report properties of each report after the report jobs are run.
  2. Make copies of the supplied SAS Enterprise Guide projects and establish a set of master SAS Enterprise Guide projects for your site. Store these master copies of the projects in a location that is accessible by all report developers.
  3. Use the Migration Wizard for SAS Enterprise Guide to update the mapping to the information map or SAS table that serves as the source data for the report. For more information, see Preparing to Work with SAS Enterprise Guide.
  4. Use any method of version control to manage a set of master SAS Enterprise Guide projects. All report developers can use the master copies to make their own copies of the projects and publish their results after they have implemented and promoted changes to the report definitions that they produce.
  5. Report developers perform the following steps when working with a SAS Enterprise Guide project:
    1. Check out a copy of a master SAS Enterprise Guide project.
    2. In SAS Enterprise Guide, select Filethen selectNewthen selectNotes to create a version notes file of the project. If a notes file already exists, then open the existing file.
    3. Add the following entries to this notes file:
      • Project Updated By
      • Date of Changes
      • Tasks Modified
  6. Implement and validate changes to the process flows and report tasks in the project.
  7. Perform the following steps to publish new report definitions to the SAS Metadata Server:
    Note: The suggested path for new report definitions is /Shared Data/SAS IT Resource Management/3.2 IT Report Definitions/<Adapter Name>/User Defined/<Time Period>.
    1. Right-click an ITRM Gallery task and select Modify <ITRM Gallery task name>.
    2. Click Next to navigate through the ITRM Gallery task wizard until the last page appears.
    3. Click Finish. The new report definition is created and published to the SAS Metadata Server.
  8. Save, close, and check-in the SAS Enterprise Guide project.
  9. If the change to the project resulted in an update to a report definition that already existed in metadata and was used in a Gallery transformation in a report job, then perform the following steps:
    1. Open the SAS IT Resource Management client.
    2. Use the IT Data Marts tree to navigate to the report job in the appropriate IT data mart, adapter, and domain category folders.
    3. Open the report job.
    4. Right-click the Gallery transformation and select Properties.
    5. Select the Notes tab and add the following entries to the notes:
      • Transformation Updated By
      • Date of Changes
      • Report Definition Changes (such as Updated: <report definition name>
  10. If the change involved the creation of a new report definition, then perform the following steps:
    1. Open the SAS IT Resource Management client.
    2. Use the IT Data Marts tree to navigate to the report job that will deploy the new report definition. The report job is in the corresponding IT data mart, adapter, and domain category folders.
    3. Open the report job.
    4. Right-click the Gallery transformation and select Properties.
    5. Select the Report Definitions tab and add the report definition as needed.
    6. Select the Notes tab and add the following entries to the notes:
      • Transformation Updated By
      • Date of Changes
      • Report Definition Changes (such as Added: <report definition name> or Deleted: <report definition name>
  11. If your changes included replacing a report definition, then perform the following steps:
    1. Open the SAS IT Resource Management client.
    2. Use the IT Data Marts tree to navigate to the report job that contains the report definition to be deleted. The report job is in the corresponding IT data mart, adapter, and domain category folders.
    3. Open the report job.
    4. Right-click the Gallery transformation and select Properties.
    5. Select the Report Definitions tab and delete the report definition as needed.
    6. Select the Notes tab and add the following entries to the notes:
      • Transformation Updated By
      • Date of Changes
      • Report Definition Changes (such as Deleted: <report definition name>)
  12. Save and close the Gallery transformation.
  13. Deploy the new report job.
  14. Close the SAS IT Resource Management client.