This value is used in the subject of the email messages that are sent out and in the name of the audit table. This option can be left blank.
specifies the paths to a maximum of 20 aggregation jobs. These jobs will be run in parallel.
specifies the paths to a maximum of 20 aggregation logs.
specifies the email address from which the email is to be sent. If blank, this value is set to the address that is specified in EMAILTO.
specifies the email address to which the status email is to be sent. If this value is blank, a warning is written in the log that email is not going to be sent.
specifies the paths to a maximum of 20 information map jobs. These jobs will be run in parallel.
specifies the paths to a maximum of 20 information map logs.
specifies the paths to a maximum of 20 report jobs. These jobs will be run in parallel.
specifies the paths to a maximum of 20 report logs.
specifies the date that is used in email messages and in log filenames. If this value is blank, it is set to today's date.
specifies the path to the staging job that you want to run.
specifies the path to the staging log that is produced by the staging job. If the STAGINGJOB option is specified, then the STAGINGLOG must also be specified.
%rmrunetl(adapter=SNMP, aggJob1=C:\jobs\, aggJob2=C:\jobs\, aggLog1= C:\jobs\logs\_1_aggJob.log, aggLog2= C:\jobs\logs\_2_aggJob.log,, reportJob1= C:\jobs\, reportLog1= C:\jobs\_1_reportJob.log, stagingJob=C:\jobs\, stagingLog= C:\jobs\logs\staging.log );
echo off set ADAPTER=MSSCOM set DATETIME=%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2 set DATETIME=%DATETIME: =0% set BASE=C:\Data\Jobs\%ADAPTER% set LOGDIR=%BASE%\logs set JOBDIR=C:\SAS\ITRM33\Lev1\SASITRM\SASEnvironment\SASCode \Jobsset SRC=MS_SCOM_Overall set SAS=C:\SAS\ITRM33\Lev1\SASITRM\sas.bat %SAS% -sysin %BASE%\ -log %LOGDIR%\%SRC%_%DATETIME%.log
%let adapter = %sysget(ADAPTER); %let datetime = %sysget(DATETIME); %let JOBhome = %sysget(JOBDIR); %let LOGhome = %sysget(LOGDIR); %rmrunetl(adapter = &ADAPTER, stagingJob = &JOBhome\, stagingLog = &LOGhome\ MS_SCOM_Staging_&datetime..log, aggJob1 = &JOBhome\, aggJob2 = &JOBhome\, aggJob3 = &JOBhome\, aggJob4 = &LOGhome\, aggLog1 = &LOGhome\InfoStore_Aggregation_&datetime..log, aggLog2 = &LOGhome\InfoStoreMailbox_Aggregation_&datetime..log, aggLog3 = &LOGhome\Disk_Aggregation_&datetime..log, aggLog4 = &LOGhome\System_Aggregation_&datetime..log, reportJob1 = &JOBhome\, reportJob2 = &JOBhome\, reportJob3 = &JOBhome\, reportJob4 = &JOBhome\, reportLog1 = &LOGhome\InfoStore_Daily_Reporting_&datetime..log, reportLog2 = &LOGhome\InfoStoreMailbox_Daily_Reporting_&datetime..log, reportLog3 = &LOGhome\Disk_Daily_Reporting_&datetime..log, reportLog4 = &LOGhome\System_Daily_Reporting_&datetime..log, emailto = );
export ADAPTER=HPPerfAgent export BASE=/var/opt/sas/prog/prod/$ADAPTERexport LOGDIR=$BASE/logs export JOBDIR=/opt/sas/ITRM/itrm33srv/Lev1/SASITRM/SASEnvironment/SASCode/Jobs export SRC=HP_Perf_Agent_Overall export DATETIME=$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M")ADAPTER=HPPerfAgent SAS=/opt/sas/ITRM/SAS/SASFoundation/9.4/sas $SAS –sysin $BASE/$ -log $LOGDIR/"$SRC"_"$DATETIME".log -noterminal -rsasuser &
%let adapter = %sysget(ADAPTER); %let datetime = %sysget(DATETIME); %let JOBhome = %sysget(JOBDIR); %let LOGhome = %sysget(LOGDIR); %rmrunetl(adapter = &adapter, stagingJob = &JOBhome/, stagingLog = &LOGhome/HP_Perf_Agent_Staging_&datetime..log, aggJob1 = &JOBhome/, aggJob2 = &JOBhome/, aggLog1 = &LOGhome/DiskUnix_Aggregation_&datetime..log, aggLog2 = &LOGhome/SystemUnix_Aggregation_&datetime..log, reportJob1 = &JOBhome/, reportJob2 = &JOBhome/, reportLog1 = &LOGhome/DiskUnix_Daily_Reporting_&datetime..log, reportLog2 = &LOGhome/SystemUnix_Daily_Reporting_&datetime..log, emailto = );