How to Set the Logging Level for the Web Application Server

Most logging information is kept in application-specific log files. The log file for ITRM Report Center is located here:
Windows Specifics: <SAS-configuration-directory>\%Lev1%\Web\Logs\SASServer10_1\ITRMReportCenter<version-number>.log
UNIX Specifics: <SAS-configuration-directory>/Lev1/Web/Logs/SASServer10_1/ITRMReportCenter<version-number>.log
For ITRM Report Center, application logging is set to WARN by default. The logging level is set in the ITRMReportCenter-log4j.xml file that is located here: C:\SAS\ITRMConfig\Lev1\Web\Common\LogConfig.
Windows Specifics: <SAS-configuration-directory>\%Lev1%\Web\Common\LogConfig
UNIX Specifics: <SAS-configuration-directory>/Lev1/Web/Common/LogConfig
The highlighted section of the following code shows where the logging level is set:
      <priority value="WARN"/>
      <appender-ref ref="SAS_CONSOLE"/>
      <priority value="WARN"/>
      <appender-ref ref="SAS_CONSOLE"/>
Options for the logging level are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR. Each logging level provides messaging according to the following table. To update the logging level, perform the following steps:
  1. Update the highlighted line in the preceding code by changing Warn to one of the levels shown in the following table:
    Table of Logging Levels
    Logging Level
    What Messages Are Logged
    All messages
    All INFO, WARN, and ERROR messages
    All WARN and ERROR messages
    All ERROR messages
  2. Save the file with your changes.
  3. Restart SASServer10_1.