SAS Environment Manager (SAS EV) — Accessing Data

About the SAS Environment Manager Adapter

SAS IT Resource Management provides the SAS Environment Manager (SAS EV) adapter. This adapter supports these raw data sources:
  • agent-collected metrics (ACM)
  • audit, performance, and measurement (APM)
Note: Here are the ACM and APM data source locations on Windows:
  • SAS ACM data source raw data tables are located here: C:\<levelroot>\Web\SASEnvironmentManager\emi-framework\Datamart\acm
    For example, raw data tables might be here:
    Windows Specifics: C:\SAS\Config\Lev1\Web\SASEnvironmentManager\emi-framework\Datamart\acm
  • SAS APM data source raw data tables are located here: C:<levelroot>\Web\SASEnvironmentManager\emi-framework\Datamart\artifacts
    For example, raw data tables might be here:
    Windows Specifics: C:\SAS\Config\Lev1\Web\SASEnvironmentManager\emi-framework\Datamart\artifacts
These raw data sources might require that you customize the SAS Environment Manager framework to stage the data appropriately for the SAS Environment Manager adapter.

Preparing SAS Environment Manager Data (Data Marts) for SAS IT Resource Management

Starting with SAS IT Resource Management 3.7, the SAS Deployment Wizard automatically deploys the SAS Environment Manager service management architecture framework. After installing SAS Environment Manager, you can view its contents at this location: C:\<levelroot>\Web\SASEnvironmentManager\emi-framework. The following display shows the contents of the SAS environment manager directory.
SAS Environment Manager Directory
SAS EV Directory
After SAS is installed, you need to perform additional manual steps before configuring the service management architecture framework. You must perform these steps to collect the SAS tables of reporting data that are needed for the SAS Environment Manager adapter. The manual steps are listed here: SAS_Environment_Manager_Service_Architecture_Quickstart.pdf, which is available under the emi-framework folder. (For example, on Windows the document can be found under this folder: C:\SAS\ITRMVA\Lev1\Web\SASEnvironmentManager\emi-framework.)

How to Specify the Raw Data Library for the SAS Environment Manager Adapter

For both ACM and APM data type sources, the raw data library must be specified as the input raw data library to the SAS Environment Manager adapter staging transformation. The ETL process that this transformation runs reads the raw data library and generates staged tables into the IT data mart.
To set up a library, perform the following steps:
  1. Open the SAS Environment Manager adapter staging job. Log on to the SAS IT Resource Management client as an unrestricted user.
    You must use the staging transformation to create the raw data libraries that this adapter requires.
    Do not use SAS Management Console to create these libraries.
  2. Right-click the SAS Environment Manager adapter staging transformation and select Properties. The SAS Environment Manager Staging Properties window appears.
    Staging Properties for the SAS EV Adapter
    Staging Properties for the SAS EV Adapter
  3. Select the Raw Data Input Libraries tab, as shown in the following display.
    SAS EV Raw Data Input Libraries
    SAS EV Raw Data Input Libraries
    The following actions are available:
    • The New button adds a new row in the table that displays all the raw data input libraries. This action enables you to specify a library that can be used to stage raw data for the SAS EV adapter.
    • The Add button lets you select an existing library that can be used to stage raw data for the SAS EV adapter. The selected library must have a Library Type of ACM or APM. It must also have a value for the Server Name.
    • The Remove button deletes the selected library.
  4. To create a new library, select New.
  5. Enter the raw data library name and location.
    Note: For the Name field, enter the name of the library that is associated with the ACM or APM data source.
    General Tab of New Library Wizard
    General Tab of New Library Wizard
  6. On the next page of the wizard, select the SAS Application Server name.
    SAS Application Server Information
    SAS Application Server Information
  7. On the next page of the wizard, specify the library type, server name, libref, and data path.
    Library Specification
    Library Specification
    To complete this page, perform the following steps:
    1. Library Type identifies the SAS library that is required for the SAS EV adapter. Use the down arrow to select ACM or APM. A value is required in this field.
      • Select ACM if your raw data input consists of agent-collected metrics.
      • Select APM if your raw data input consists of audit, performance, and measurement data.
      Note: By default, the Adapter Setup wizard creates staged tables for both ACM and APM data types. If you want to process only one type of table (that is, either the ACM or APM tables), you must manually delete the tables that you do not want to use. Alternatively, instead of using the Adapter Setup wizard, you can create the staging transformation manually and specify that only one type of table be processed.
    2. Server Name is the name of the server where the raw data is collected or processed. A value is required in this field. The value can contain a maximum of 200 characters.
    3. Libref is the name that is associated with the library. A value is required in this field. Libref names must be unique within the SAS Application Server.
      A libref can consist of no more than eight characters.
      The libref must begin with a letter (A through Z) or an underscore (_). The remaining characters of the libref must be letters (A through Z), numerals (0 through 9), or an underscore (_). The libref cannot contain spaces. If your libref does not conform to these rules, the library is not created.
    4. Data Path specifies the location of the raw data input library. The length of this path can be no more than 200 characters. A value is required in this field.
      Enter values in this field manually. Alternatively, click Browse to select a path to the library from the Select a Directory dialog box that displays the directory structure of your file system.
      Note: Browse is disabled when the selected application server is running on a machine that uses the z/OS operating system. When entering a z/OS path manually, you can use either a prefix for a traditional z/OS file system path (MY.DATAMART) or a root directory in the zFS hierarchical file system (/u/myname/datamart).
  8. The last page of the wizard enables you to review the summary.
    Summary Page of the New Library Wizard
    Summary Page of the New Library Wizard