Starting with SAS IT
Resource Management 3.7, the SAS Deployment Wizard automatically
deploys the SAS Environment Manager service management architecture
framework. After installing SAS Environment Manager, you can view
its contents at this location: C:\<levelroot>\Web\SASEnvironmentManager\emi-framework
The following display shows the contents of the SAS environment
manager directory.
After SAS is installed,
you need to perform additional manual steps before configuring the
service management architecture framework. You must perform these
steps to collect the SAS tables of reporting data that are needed
for the SAS Environment Manager adapter. The manual steps are listed
here: SAS_Environment_Manager_Service_Architecture_Quickstart.pdf,
which is available under the emi-framework
(For example, on Windows the document can be found under this folder: C:\SAS\ITRMVA\Lev1\Web\SASEnvironmentManager\emi-framework