SAS IT Resource Management Components

Server Tier Components

SAS IT Resource Management Server for the 64-bit-enabled AIX, HP-UX on Itanium, Solaris and Solaris for x64, Linux for x64, Windows for x64 and z/OS operating environments uses the following components:
  • Base SAS
  • SAS IT Resource Management Server
  • MXG from Barry Merrill (z/OS only and included in the SAS IT Resource Management license)
  • Demand Technology Performance Sentry (Windows for x64)
  • SAS Metadata Server
  • SAS Data Integration Studio
  • SAS Enterprise BI Server
  • SAS High-Performance Forecasting
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC (for 64-bit-enabled AIX, HP-UX on Itanium, Linux for x64, Solaris and Solaris for x64, and Windows for x64)
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle
  • SAS/ACCESS Interface to PC Files
SAS Visual Analytics server for Linux for x64 and Windows for x64 for non-distributed mode only operating environments uses the following components:
  • SAS LASR Analytic Server
  • SAS Visual Analytics server
Note: SAS IT Resource Management does not include the Explorer component of SAS Visual Analytics.

Middle-Tier Components

Note: Starting with SAS IT Resource Management 3.6, support is provided for a clustered middle tier. For information, seeAbout the Clustered Middle Tier.
SAS IT Resource Management web tier for the 64-bit-enabled AIX, HP-UX on Itanium, 64-bit-enabled Solaris, Solaris for x64, Linux for x64, and Windows for x64 operating environments uses the following components:
  • SAS IT Resource Management Report Center
  • SAS Information Delivery Portal web application
  • SAS BI Dashboard
  • SAS BI Portlets
  • SAS Web Infrastructure Platform
  • SAS Web Application Server
SAS Visual Analytics middle tier for Linux for x64 and Windows for x64 for non-distributed mode only operating environments uses the following components:
  • SAS Visual Data Builder
  • SAS Visual Analytics Administrator
  • SAS Visual Analytics Designer
  • SAS Visual Analytics Hub
  • SAS Visual Analytics Report Viewer
Note: SAS IT Resource Management does not include the Explorer component of SAS Visual Analytics.

Client Tier Components

SAS IT Resource Management SAS client for the Windows 32-bit and Windows for x64 operating environments uses the following components:
  • SAS IT Resource Management client
  • SAS Data Integration Studio
  • SAS Enterprise Guide
  • SAS Management Console (64-bit-enabled AIX, HP-UX on Itanium, Linux for x64, 64-bit-enabled Solaris, Solaris for x64, and Windows for x64
  • SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office
  • SAS Information Map Studio
  • SAS Workflow Studio
  • SAS OLAP Cube Studio

About the Clustered Middle Tier

Starting with ITRM Report Center 3.6, a clustered middle tier is supported. Servers can be clustered on the same physical machine or across multiple physical machines. A clustered middle tier provides high availability, load balancing, high performance, and scalability. For more information, see SAS 9.4 Intelligence Platform: Middle-Tier Administration Guide
Customers can cluster either vertically or horizontally.
  • Vertical clustering provides cluster nodes on the same machine. The SAS Deployment Wizard enables you to specify the number of cluster nodes.
  • Horizontal clustering provides a cluster node on multiple machine. You can deploy a middle-tier cluster node at any time. (A middle-tier cluster node is an optional machine that can be specified in your plan file.)
Separate logging facilities for each application node are provided for both vertical and horizontal clusters. The log file for each node is kept inside a separate folder under configured log directory. The folder name is suffixed with number of nodes available in cluster such as SASServer10_1, SASServer10_5, or SASServer10_n.
SAS relies on session affinity. Therefore, every request from a client is directed to the same instance of application server that was used when the client logged on. If this node goes down, then the session of the logged-in user is replicated on other node that is available in the cluster. This feature increases the high availability of the ITRM Report Center. However, you might lose your work if your logged-in node goes down in the following circumstances:
  • when you are in the process of creating, viewing, editing, or deleting an object, such as a gallery, a folder, or an album
  • when you are in the process of opening an object, such as a gallery, a resource, or an album
  • when you are accessing a watch list
In such cases, a message appears in the ITRM Report Center application that advises you to redo the operation.
ITRM Report Center maintains a cache of all report objects in the middle tier. This cache is replicated across all nodes of the clustered middle tier. If your login action connects to a node for which cache is being replicated, the following message appears: The ITRM Report Center cache build is in progress. Please log off and try again later. Contact your ITRM Report Center Administrator for more information. When the replication of the cache completes, you can connect to that node again.
Note: If multiple requests are being processed by a node and that node goes down, ITRM Report Center might display more than one error message.