Naming Convention
aggregation job
category> Aggregation (Example: Disk Aggregation)
In the IT
Data Marts tree: <IT data
mart name><adapter type><number>Domain Categories<domain category>.
Aggregation transformation
The naming standard
for aggregation transformations can vary slightly. However, the typical
structure is <adapter identifier> <domain
category>.(Example: NTSMF Disk)
An active Aggregation
transformation is in the aggregation job. A template to create your
own Aggregation transformation is in the Transformations tree
SAS IT Resource Management .
Transformation names
cannot contain double quotation marks.
column labels (aggregation
staged table column name> <statistic>
In an aggregation table.
Column names use the
following guidelines:
column label (ranked)
In the Adapter
Setup wizard: <measurement>Rank (Example:
In the Aggregation wizards: <measurement>Rank<number
(optional)> (Examples: CacheReadHitPctWMeanDescRank,
In a table.
In the Adapter
Setup wizard:
column name (ranked)
In the Adapter
Setup wizard: <measurement><rank><number> (Examples:
In the Aggregation wizards: <measurement>Rank<order(optional)> (Examples:
In a table.
In the Adapter
Setup wizard:
library (aggregation)
category> <unique number> (Example:
Disk 5455)
In the IT
Data Marts tree: <IT data
mart name><adapter type><number>Domain Categories<domain category>.
libref (in an aggregation
<same unique number as the library> (Example:
AGG 5455)
simple aggregation table
category> (Example: DetailDisk)
Tables of MXG views
that were created by former versions of SAS IT Resource Management
are identified in the metadata by the prefix
MXG_Simple_ .
Note: Starting with SAS IT Resource
Management 3.5, MXG views are not created.
In the IT
Data Marts tree: <IT data
mart name><adapter type><number>Domain Categories<domain category>.
Mixed case with no spaces.
summarized aggregation
period><measurement category> (Example:
In the IT
Data Marts tree: <IT data
mart name><adapter type + number>Domain Categories<domain category>.
Mixed case with no spaces.
summarized aggregation
table (key metrics)
category> (Example: KeyMetricsDisk)
In the same folder as
its aggregation tables and aggregation job. In the IT
Data Marts tree: <IT data
mart name><adapter type><number>Domain Categories<domain category>.
Naming Convention
information map
An information map has
the same name as its corresponding source table. (Example: MonthShiftDisk)
In the IT
Data Marts tree: <IT data
mart name><adapter type><number>Domain Categories<domain category>.
information map filter
(date type)
Includes descriptive
words that show the performance area first, then a verb, the type
of metric, and a statistic. (Examples: MemoryUsagePctWMean, PagesFreedRateMax)
In the Information Map
transformation that is part of the information map job. Information
map filters are available on the Information Map Parameters tab
of the Information Map transformation properties.
Mixed case with no spaces.
information map filter
(statistic type)
Includes descriptive
words and components that are based on the following guidelines:
In the Information Map
transformation that is part of the information map job. Information
map filters are available on the Information Map Parameters tab
of the Information Map transformation properties.
Mixed case with no spaces.
information map job
category> Information Map (Example: Disk
Information Map)
In the IT
Data Marts tree: <IT data
mart name><adapter type><number>Domain Categories<domain category>.
Information Map transformation
period><measurement category> (Example:
An active Information
Map transformation is in the information map job. A template to create
your own Information Map transformation is in the Transformations tree
SAS IT Resource Management .
Naming Convention
domain category
Includes descriptive
words for the resource that is being measured.
In the Folders tree: ProductsSAS IT Resource ManagementAdapters<adapter type>IT Template Tables.
Performance Report transformation
category> <time period> (Example: Disk
An active Performance
Report transformation is in the reporting job. A template to create
your own Performance Report transformation is in the Transformations tree
SAS IT Resource Management .
Transformation names
cannot contain double quotation marks.
report definition
Includes descriptive
words that indicate the measures that are reported, the filters that
are used, and the time period that is reported. (Example: DiskBusyHighUsageHoursForTheDay)
In the Folders tree: Shared DataSAS IT Resource Management3.3 IT Report Definitions<adapter
type><domain category or performance
Save the report definitions
that you create in the Folders tree at Shared DataSAS IT Resource ManagementIT Report Definitions<adapter
type><domain category or performance
reporting job
category> <time period> Reporting (Example:
Disk Monthly Reporting)
In the IT
Data Marts tree: <IT data
mart name><adapter type><number>Domain Categories<domain category>.
Naming Convention
column labels (staged
area or object> <verb (if needed)> <interpretation> (Examples:
MemoryUsagePct, MemoryActivePages, PagesFreedRate)
In a staged table.
Column names use the
following guidelines:
library (staging)
type> Staging <unique number> (Example:
SAR Staging 1115)
In the IT
Data Marts tree: <IT data
mart name><adapter type><number>Staging.
Mixed case with no spaces.
libref (in a staging
<same unique number as the library> (Example:
STG 1115)
staging job
type> Staging (Example: SAR Staging
In the IT
Data Marts tree: <IT data
mart name><adapter type><number>Staging.
staged table
A staged table has the
same name as the template table on which it is based.
Starting with SAS IT
Resource Management 3.5, MXG views are not created. In former versions
of SAS IT Resource Management, they were identified in the metadata
by the prefix
MXG_Staged_ .
In the IT
Data Marts tree: <IT data
mart name><adapter type><number>Staging.
staging transformation
type> (Example: SAR)
An active staging transformation
is in the staging job. A template to create your own staging transformation
for an adapter is in the Transformations tree
SAS IT Resource Management .
Transformation names
cannot contain double quotation marks.