Updates can be made
to copies of SAS Enterprise Guide projects that are used for reporting
in SAS IT Resource Management. If that situation occurs, then those
user-owned copied projects should be backed up by using operating
system commands or third-party tools. If you installed the supplied
SAS Enterprise Guide projects, they can be accessed by navigating
to the location where you installed SAS IT Resource Management. The
projects are located at SASITResourceManagementSASEnterpriseGuideComponents\3.7
For example, the projects might be located at C:\Program
Note: Making changes to supplied
SAS Enterprise Guide projects is strongly discouraged. If you must
change a project, copy the project and make your changes to that
copied version of the project. For more information, see Appendix
4, “Best Practices” in the SAS IT Resource
Management 3.7: Reporting Guide.
ITRM Report Center users
can create galleries and gallery folders. You might want to back up
those items so that they do not have to be manually re-created in
the unlikely event of a system failure. If so, you should use operating
systems commands or third-party tools to copy all of the files on
the middle-tier platform:
If your middle-tier platform is
on Windows, back up the files that are in this location: <SAS-configuration-directory>\Lev1\AppData\ITRMReportCenter
If your middle-tier platform is
on UNIX, back up the files that are in this location: <SAS-configuration-directory>/Lev1/AppData/ITRMReportCenter