SAS IT Resource Management
can process the following types of files from the Web Log adapter:
Common Log Format (CLF) that can
be produced by Microsoft and Apache web servers
Extended Log Format (ELF)
Microsoft IIS original format
SAS IT Resource Management examines the file to determine
which type it is, without the type having to be specified. However,
some web logs are produced with different delimiters than the expected
default. For example, Oracle WebLogic uses a format very similar to
Extended Log Format. However, it uses a tab character instead of a
space. This delimiter must be specified in the staging transformation
properties or supplied as part of the
Adapter Setup wizard
In addition, some web
logs do not provide information about the machine that they were running
on or what website they were associated with. For this reason, you
can also specify the machine and sitename as parameters to the staging
transformation or Adapter Setup wizard prompts.
Web log files can be concatenated to form one input stream, but they
must all have the same web log format.