Launching IOM Servers


You can specify parameters for the definitions in either of these two locations:
  • source code
  • an LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file
The following three definitions can be created to assist in launching an IOM Server:
Server definition (ServerDef)
must be created before an IOM Server can be launched with the workspace manager. The server definition can either be loaded from persistent storage (an LDIF file), or created dynamically. A ServerDef includes a Logical Name attribute. The server definition is independent of the user.
Login definition (LoginDef)
contains user-specific information such as a user name and password. Login definitions are a convenience and are not required for creating a connection to an IOM server. They provide a mechanism for storing persistent definitions of user names and passwords. LoginDefs also allow multiple definitions for the same user on different security domains. For example, you could use one user name and password on MVS and a different one for UNIX. This flexibility is also possible without the use of a login definition, but the user must enter the user name and password each time a server is launched.
Logical name definition (LogicalNameDef)
allows a description to be associated with each logical name used in a server definition. Logical name definitions are not used to launch a server. However, a logical name is required to launch a server when using the login definition.
These definitions can be stored in a file on the local system.

Finding Definitions

The SAS Workspace Manager can access status information that is stored in the Windows registry. This status information consists of two search specifications for finding launch information:
  • a per-user file for local computer storage
  • a file that is shared for all users of the local machine
This information is designed to make it easy to find launch information in a standard location. Also, applications can immediately list launch definitions that are found in the standard location.


The LDIF format is the standard for the interchange of LDAP data. The SAS Workspace Manager has the ability to read Login and Server definitions from LDIF files.
LDIF specifies that each object definition start with a distinguished name (DN), but the full DN of any object is not known. The part that is not known is replaced with $SUFFIX$ to allow administrators to use an automated search and replace mechanism should they want to import a file into LDAP.
This format is also supported by the object spawner.

Security Considerations

The user ID that is used to log on to SAS will be determined when the workspace is launched. Once launched, the user ID cannot be changed.
Stored passwords are not encrypted.
The information in a file is restricted only by the permissions on the file. If you are concerned about security, then you might not want to use files to store LoginDefs.