Output Tables for the TEXTPARSE Statement

Sample Data and Program

The TEXTPARSE statement generates a summary table and up to seven temporary tables. The following program provides sample data and statements for getting started and then showing the basic layout for each of the temporary tables.
data getstart;
infile cards delimiter='|' missover;
length text $150;
input text$ docid$;

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options set=TKTXTANIO_BINDAT_DIR="/opt/TKTGDat";

libname example sasiola host="grid001.example.com" port=10010 tag=hps;

data example.getstart;
  set getstart;

proc imstat data=example.getstart;
  textparse var=text docid=docid entities=std reducef=2 
            select=(_all_) save=txtsummary;
Computing singular value decomposition requires the input data to contain at least 25 documents and at least as many documents as there are machines in the cluster. By default, REDUCEF=4 but in this example is set to 2 to specify that a word only needs to appear twice to be kept for generating the term-by-document matrix. The default dimension for the singular-value decomposition is k=10 and the server generates ten topics.
The TEXTPARSE statement produces the following output. The names of the temporary tables are reported and begin with _T_. These names (and the rest of the output in the table) is stored in a temporary buffer that is named TXTSUMMARY.
Text parsing summary
Because the IMSTAT procedure was used in interactive mode with a RUN statement instead of QUIT, the STORE statement can be used to create macro variables for the temporary table names as follows:
  store txtsummary( 6,2) as Terms;
  store txtsummary( 7,2) as Parent;
  store txtsummary( 8,2) as V;
  store txtsummary( 9,2) as U;
  store txtsummary(10,2) as Topics;
  store txtsummary(11,2) as TermsByTopics;
  store txtsummary(12,2) as DocPro;
Each of the tables can then be accessed with a libref and the macro variable, such as example.&Terms.;. The following sections show how to access these tables.

Terms Table

Based on the statements in the previous section, you can access the terms table as follows:
  table example.&Terms.;
  where _ispar ne ".";
  fetch / format to=10;
Note: Filtering out the observations where _Ispar is missing results in showing only the terms that are used in the subsequent singular-value decomposition and topic generation.
The following output shows the number of observations in the Terms table, the data structure, and details about the terms that are identified by the TEXTPARSE statement.
Number of observations, columns, and first 10 observations from the Terms table

Parent Table

The Parent table is also known as the bag of words or as the term document. It is a sparse representation of the term by document weights. It is the input to the singular-value decomposition (SVD). The SVD then reduces the dimensionality of the problem by focusing on the k dimensions with the largest singular values. It is essentially a dimension reduction technique.
  where; /* clear the _ispar filter that was in use */
  table example.&Parent.;
  fetch / format to=10;
Number of observations, columns, and first 10 observations from the Parent table
There are 133 nonzero entries in the term × document matrix. The full matrix would be a 43 × 36 matrix.
There are four columns in the parent table. The _termnum_, and _id_ column are the term number and an internal identifier. Values in the _termnum_ column correspond to values in the Key column in the Terms table. The _count_ column represents the term weight. The last column is the document ID that corresponds to the DOCID= variable specified in the TEXTPARSE statement. In this example, it is named Docid.

SVD V Table

  table example.&V.;
  fetch / format to=10;
This table is one of the results of the singular-value decomposition of the sparse parent table (bag of words). The number of rows equals the number of documents in the input table. The number of columns equals the number of topics (the K= value of the SVD option) plus one for an ID variable.
Number of observations, columns, and first 10 observations from the V table

SVD U Table

  table example.&U.;
  fetch / format to=10;
This table contains the U matrix from the singular-value decomposition. The number of rows equals the number of terms in the SVD (31). The number of columns equals the number of topics (the K= value of the SVD option) plus an _ID_ column.
Number of observations, columns, and first 10 observations from the U table
Note: The U matrix produced by the TEXTPARSE statement in the server does not match the U matrix that is generated by the HPTMINE procedure for SAS Text Miner. The SAS LASR Analytic Server performs a varimax rotation on the matrix. This step is done by SAS Text Miner on the HPTMINE output with the FACTOR procedure.

Topics Table

  table example.&Topics;
  fetch / format to=10;
This table displays the topics identified by the server, the term weight cutoff for the topic, and a descriptive label formed from the terms in the topic with the highest weights. By default, five terms are used to label the topic. You can specify a different number with the NUMLABELS= option.
Column information and first 10 observations from the Topics table

Terms by Topic Table

  table example.&TermsByTopic;
  fetch / format to=10;
The terms-by-topic table is a sparse representation of the term-by-topic matrix.
Column information and first 10 observations from the Terms by topic table

Document Projection Table

  table example.&DocPro.;
  fetch / format to=10;
The projected document contains at a minimum the document ID variable from the input table and the projection onto the topic space. The number of rows equals the number of documents in the input table. The number of columns equals the number of topics (the K= value of the SVD option) plus the document ID column. Each of the Col1 to Colk columns are the projections.
Column information and first 10 observations from the Document Projection table
You can request that other variables, beside the document ID variable, are transferred to the projected document table. If you do not transfer variables, then the document projection table is a candidate for a join with the input table on the document ID in order to associate the documents with their topic weights.