%let indconn = server=myserver user=myuserid password=xxxx database=mydb;
specifies the Teradata server name or the IP address of the server host.
specifies the Teradata user name (also called the user ID) that is used to connect to the database.
Restriction | If you are using Teradata single sign-on (SSO) authentication with Kerberos, USER= must match the operating system identity of the user that is running SAS. Specifying another user ID (sometimes called “sign-on as”) is not supported with Kerberos. |
Requirement | If you are not using Teradata single sign-on (SSO) authentication, you must specify both userid and password. |
Tip | If you are using Teradata single sign-on (SSO) authentication, you can specify either userid@KRB5 or @KRB5. Using @KRB5 forces the publishing process to use Kerberos authentication. |
specifies the password that is associated with your Teradata user ID.
Requirement | If you are not using Teradata single sign-on (SSO) authentication, you must specify both a user ID and a password. If you are using Teradata single sign-on (SSO) authentication, password is optional. |
Tip | Use only PASSWORD=, PASS=, or PW= for the password argument. PWD= is not supported and causes an error to occur. |
specifies the Teradata database that contains the tables and views that you want to access.
Default | Your current database |
Requirement | The maximum database name length is 128 characters, and it must be a valid Teradata database name. |
indconn = server=servref user=johndoe password=xxxx database=2016db;
indconn = server=servref user=johndoe@krb5 database=2016db; indconn = server=servref user=johndoe@krb5 database=2016db; indconn = server=servref user=@krb5 database=2016db; indconn = server=servref user=johndoe@krb5;
indconn=server=servref database=2016db;
specifies the name of a Teradata database to which the SAS_PUT( ) function and the formats are published. This argument lets you publish the SAS_PUT( ) function and the formats to a shared database where other users can access them.
Default | The database specified in the INDCONN macro variable or your current database |
Requirement | The maximum database name length is 128 characters, and it must be a valid Teradata database name. |
Interaction | The database that is specified by the DATABASE= argument takes precedence over the database that you specify in the INDCONN macro variable. For more information, see Running the %INDTD_PUBLISH_FORMATS Macro. |
Tip | The format definitions and the SAS_PUT( ) function do not need to reside in the same database as the one that contains the data that you want to format. You can use the SQLMAPPUTTO= system option to specify where the format definitions and the SAS_PUT( ) function are published. For more information, see SQLMAPPUTTO= System Option. |
specifies the name of the format catalog file that contains all user-defined formats that were created with the FORMAT procedure and are made available in Teradata.
Default | If you do not specify a value for FMTCAT= and you have created user-defined formats in your SAS session, the default is WORK.FORMATS. If you do not specify a value for FMTCAT= and you have not created any user-defined formats in your SAS session, only the formats that SAS supplies are available in Teradata. |
Interaction | If the format definitions that you want to publish exist in multiple catalogs, you must copy them into a single catalog for publishing. |
specifies the name of the Teradata table that contains all formats that the %INDTD_PUBLISH_FORMATS macro creates and that the SAS_PUT( ) function supports. The table contains the columns in the following table.
Column Name
specifies the name of
the format.
specifies the origin
of the format. SOURCE can contain one of these values:
supplied by SAS.
User-defined with PROC
specifies whether the
format is protected. PROTECTED can contain one of these values:
Format was created
with the MODE= option set to PROTECTED.
Format was created
with the MODE= option set to UNPROTECTED.
Default | If FMTTABLE is not specified, no table is created. You can see only the SAS_PUT( ) function. You cannot see the formats that are published by the macro. |
Requirement | The maximum table name length is 128 characters, and it must be a valid Teradata table name. |
Interaction | If ACTION=CREATE or ACTION=DROP is specified, messages are written to the SAS log that indicate the success or failure of the table creation or drop. |
specifies that the macro performs one of these actions:
creates a new SAS_PUT( ) function.
overwrites the current SAS_PUT( ) function, if a SAS_PUT( ) function is already registered or creates a new SAS_PUT( ) function if one is not registered.
causes the SAS_PUT( ) function to be dropped from the Teradata database.
Interaction | If FMTTABLE= is specified, both the SAS_PUT( ) function and the format table are dropped. If the table name cannot be found or is incorrect, only the SAS_PUT( ) function is dropped. |
Default | CREATE. |
Tip | If the SAS_PUT( ) function was defined previously and you specify ACTION=CREATE, you receive warning messages from Teradata. If the SAS_PUT( ) function was defined previously and you specify ACTION=REPLACE, a message is written to the SAS log indicating that the SAS_PUT( ) function has been replaced. |
specifies whether the running code is isolated in a separate process in the Teradata database so that a program fault does not cause the database to stop.
Default | PROTECTED |
Tip | Once the SAS formats are validated in PROTECTED mode, you can republish them in UNPROTECTED mode for a performance gain. |
See | Modes of Operation |
specifies a directory that contains diagnostic files.
See | Special Characters in Directory Names |
%let indconn server=terabase user=user1 password=open1 database=mydb; %indtd_publish_formats(fmtcat= fmtlib.fmtcat);
CREATE FUNCTION sas_put (d float, f varchar(64)) RETURNS varchar(256) SPECIFIC sas_putn LANGUAGE C NO SQL PARAMETER STYLE SQL NOT DETERMINISTIC CALLED ON NULL INPUT EXTERNAL NAME 'SL!"jazxfbrs"' '!CI!ufmt!C:\file-path\' '!CI!jazz!C:\file-path\' '!CS!formn!C:\file-path\';