If you use in-database
procedures with user-defined formats that were published in the data
source, you must have a local copy of the user-defined formats. Without
the local copy, the procedure fails.
Note: The local copy of the user-defined
format must be identical in both name and function to the format that
is published to the data source. If they are not identical, the following
actions occur.
A “check sum ERROR”
warning is produced. The warning indicates that the local and published
formats differ.
The local format is used, and the
query is processed by SAS instead of inside the data source.
If this occurs, you
can redefine the local format to match the published version and rerun
the procedure inside the data source.
For more information
about publishing user-defined formats, see the section on deploying
and using formats for your data source in Part 3, “Format Publishing
and the SAS_PUT( ) Function.”
Note: Format publishing of user-defined
formats is not available for Hadoop, Oracle, and SAP HANA.