Using the MSGLEVEL Option to Control Messaging

The MSGLEVEL system option specifies the level of detail in messages that are written to the SAS log. When the MSGLEVEL option is set to N (the default value), these messages are printed to the SAS log:
  • a note that says SQL is used for in-database computations when in-database processing is performed.
  • error messages if something goes wrong with the SQL commands that are submitted for in-database computations.
  • if there are SQL error messages, a note that says whether SQL is used.
When the MSGLEVEL option is set to I, all the messages that are printed when MSGLEVEL=N are printed to the SAS log.
These messages are also printed to the SAS log:
  • a note that explains why SQL was not used for in-database computations, if SQL is not used.
    Note: No note is printed if you specify SQLGENERATION=NONE.
  • a note that says that SQL cannot be used because there are no observations in the data source.
    Note: This information is not always available to the procedure.
  • a note that says that the TYPE= attribute is not stored in DBMS tables. You see this note if you try to create a special SAS data set as a DBMS table for PROC MEANS or PROC SUMMARY.
  • a note that says if the format was or was not found in the database. You see this note if you use a format that SAS supplies or a user-defined format.