The SASLINK Application
Function Library (AFL) files are included in an installer that is
packaged as a tarball (TAR file) and that is provided when the SAS
Embedded Process self-extracting archive file is unpacked.
Note: The SID referenced
in these instructions is the SAP HANA system identifier (for example, HDB
To install the SASLINK
AFL plugins on the appliance (HANA SPS09), follow these steps:
Log on to the SAP HANA
server as the database administrator or change the user to the database
You can use one of these
su - SIDadm
ssh SIDadm@server-name
If the SAS Embedded
Process is running, run the script to stop the process.
Alternatively, you can
shutdown the SAS Embedded Process by removing its PID file.
rm /var/tmp/
Stop the SAP HANA database
if it is running.
HDB stop
Use one of these commands
to change the user to the root authority.
su - root
sudo su -
Copy the TAR file to
cp /EPInstallDir/sas_saslink_install.tgz /tmp
Unpack the TAR file.
cd /tmp
tar -xvzf sas_saslink_install.tgz
Run the HANA install
utility from the directory where the TAR file was unpacked. Specify
the system ID of the HANA instance when prompted by the install utility.
cd /tmp/sas_saslink_installer/installer
Use one of these commands
to change the user back to the database administrator or change the
user to the database administrator.
su - SIDadm
Restart the SAP HANA
HDB start