Copying the SAS Embedded Process Install Script to the Hadoop Cluster

Creating the SAS Embedded Process Directory

Create a new directory on the Hadoop master node that is not part of an existing directory structure, such as /sasep.
This path is created on each node in the Hadoop cluster during the SAS Embedded Process installation. We do not recommend that you use existing system directories such as /opt or /usr. This new directory is referred to as EPInstallDir throughout this section.

Copying the SAS Embedded Process Install Script

The SAS Embedded Process install script is contained in a self-extracting archive file named This file is contained in a ZIP file that is put in a directory in your SAS Software Depot.
Using a method of your choice, transfer the ZIP file to the EPInstallDir on your Hadoop master node.
  1. Navigate to the YourSASDepot/standalone_installs directory.
    This directory was created when your SAS Software Depot was created by the SAS Download Manager.
  2. Locate the file. The file is located in the following directory: YourSASDepot/standalone_installs/SAS_Core_Embedded_Process_Package_for_Hadoop/9_43/Hadoop_on_Linux_x64/.
    The file is included in this ZIP file.
  3. Log on to the cluster using SSH with sudo access.
    ssh username@serverhostname
    sudo su - 
  4. Copy the file from the client to the EPInstallDir on the cluster. This example uses secure copy.
    scp username@hdpclus1: /EPInstallDir
    Note: The location where you transfer the file becomes the SAS Embedded Process home and is referred to as EPInstallDir throughout this section.
After installation, do not delete your SAS Software Depot standalone_installs directory or any of its subdirectories.
If hot fixes are made available for your software, they are moved to a subdirectory of the /standalone_installs/SAS_Core_Embedded_Process_Package_for_Hadoop/ directory. The SAS Deployment Manager requires that both the initial installation files and the hot fix file exist in a subdirectory of the original SAS Software Depot /standalone_installs/SAS_Core_Embedded_Process_Package_for_Hadoop/ directory.