The SAS Embedded Process
support function package (sasepfunc) includes stored procedures that
generate SQL to interface with the SAS Embedded Process and functions
that load the SAS program and other run-time control information into
shared memory. The SAS Embedded Process support functions setup script
creates the SAS_SYSFNLIB database and the SAS Embedded Process interface
fast path functions in TD_SYSFNLIB.
The SAS Embedded Process
support function package is available from the Teradata Software Server.
For access to the package that includes the installation instructions,
contact your local Teradata account representative or the Teradata
consultant supporting your SAS and Teradata integration activities.
If you
are using Teradata 15, you must drop the SAS_SYSFNLIB.SASEP_VERSION function to disable the Teradata Table Operator (SASTblOp).
Otherwise, your output can contain missing rows or incorrect results.
To drop the function,
enter the following command: drop function SAS_SYSFNLIB.SASEP_VERSION
This issue is fixed in Teradata maintenance release 15.00.04.
Note: If you are using SAS Data
Quality Accelerator v2.7, you must contact your Teradata representative
to get access to version 15.00-8 or higher of the SAS Embedded Process
support functions (sasepfunc-15.00-8).